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The Knaues of Spades and Diamonds. With new Additions [by Samuel Reynolds]

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To a Gormondizing Glutton.

One like to Wolner for a monstrous eater,
Or rather of a glutton somewhat greater,
Inuited was vnto a Gentleman,
Who long'd to see the same Hungarian,
And note his feeding: being set to dinner,
A leg of Mutton was the first beginner.
Next he deuoured vp a loyne of Veale,
Vpon foure Capons then his teeth did deale,
And sent them downe into his pudding house,
So tooke the cup, and drinking a carowse,

Fell to his Rabees, and dispatching foure,
Some wisht him choakt that he might eat no more.
After all this he tooke bake't-meats in hand,
And spared nothing did before him stand.
The Gentleman then tooke a bowle of wine,
And drinking to his guest (the filthy swine)
Said, you are welcome sir, I pray you eate,
Me thinks your stomacke doth not like my meate,
I thanke you sir (quoth he) for your good will,
But all last night I haue been very ill,
And that's the cause my stomacke is but small,
When I am well ile make amends for all.
If this be thy sicke feeding, shame require thee,
When thou art well the deuill shall inuite thee.