University of Virginia Library



“Wherefore is light given to him that is in misery, and life unto the bitter in soul?”—


God shield us in our weakness! I had said
To meet the fagot or the blade—to die
For that accounted holy, for the truth,
Were but a festal doom—a tribute paid
By the poor outward form, that it may lie
A slave, and not a master of the soul.
But, harder far to bear a life-long test;
To feel the weight of wrong in spring-time youth,
Crushed heavier down as lagging winters roll;
Benumbing thought and feeling in the breast,
While selfishness and callous discontent
Blight all the aspect of God's blessed earth,
And tear from out our soul, that which He lent,
Its freshness, homage, freedomness of birth.