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The following poem is scored for music in the source text.


Oh! carry me long,
There's no more trouble for me,
I'm bound to roam
In a happy home
Where all the darkeys are free;
I've worked long in the fields,
I've handled many a hoe,
I'll turn my eye
Before I die
And see the sugar cane grow.


Oh! boys, carry me long,
Carry me till I die,
Carry me down
To the burying ground:
Massa, dont you cry!


All over the land
I've wandered many a day,
To blow the horn
And mind the corn
And keep the possum away;
No use for me now,
So darkeys bury me low:
My horn is dry,
And I must lie
Where the possum never can go.


Farewell to the boys
With hearts so happy and light,
They sing a song
The whole day long,
And dance the juba at night;
Farewell to the fields
Of cotton, 'bacco, and all:
I'm bound to hoe
In a blessed row
Where the corn grows mellow and tall.


Farewell to the hills,
The meadows cover'd with green,
Old brindle boss
And the old grey horse
All beaten, broken, and lean;
Farewell to the dog
That always followed me 'round;
Old Sancho'll wail
And droop his tail
When I am under the ground.