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I truly can't tell how it happened;
I meant to have studied them so;
There was n't a word in my lessons
I had n't intended to know.
As soon as school-hours were finished,
Without the least bit of delay,
I hurried straight home, ('pon my honor!)
Refusing to loiter or play.
I seated myself at the window,
And took up my books like a man,
But over the way, on a sudden,
The merriest organ began!
And such a ridiculous monkey
Was making such glorious fun
That somehow I rushed for the sidewalk
At far quicker speed than a run.
Perhaps you will scarcely believe it,
(The fact was to me a great shock,)
But when I got back to my studies
'T was dinner-time—just five o'clock!


I meant to work hard after dinner;
But what do you think happened then?
Papa took us all to the circus;
We never got home till past ten.
Of course I slept quite late this morning;
And so you'll excuse me, I trust?
Kept in till I 've learned all my lessons!
O goodness, how awful unjust!