University of Virginia Library



Before the gate of storms two dim shapes met:
(Cold are the winds when December flies;)
The one was robed in weeds of sad regret,
But saw the shining of the other's eyes.
Then he who wore the seal of sorrows great:
(Dark are the nights when December goes;)
“Alas! who art thou, that with face elate
Peerest so eagerly through whirling snows?”
Clear rang the other's answer in his ear:
(Crisp are the snows when December speeds;)
“I am the spirit of the coming year;
My name is Hope, and always hope succeeds.”
Slow turned the sad one from before the gate:
(Shadows are black when December parts;)
“O eager one, within the future wait
Thy coming, pain and woe and broken hearts.
I am the spirit of the going year;
(Sad are the hours when December flies;)
My name is Loss, and me all men do fear,
For in my bosom twelve months' anguish lies!”