University of Virginia Library


Wanted – roommates for
unfurnished, air conditioned apt., 5
min. from Cabell. $50/mo.

Wanted: Roommate for
Semi-furnished, A/C apt. 5 min.
from Cabell. Private room. $60
negotiable 296-1061.

Roommate wanted: Private
entrance, spacious bedroom,
kitchen, bathroom. 136 Madison
Lane. One minute from Rotunda.
295-5516 or 295-0490.

Wanted – roommate for apt.
$65.00, bedroom, study living
room, bath. No kitchen. Call

Roommate wanted – furnished apt.
at University Heights, $90 or make
offer. Call Doug, 977-1652.

Roommate – Across from
Rotunda. Priv. bedroom, kitchen
priv. $60/mo. telephone, utilities
included. Call 977-5342.

Wanted: three or four responsible
persons to "house sit" in large
house near University in exchange
for modest rent. 296-9115.

Roommate – student wanted for
furnished apt. 2 blocks, $65, 426
17th st. No. 10, Call 977-3891.

Please bring any unwanted
containers suitable for small flower
arrangements for the Elderly ill to
the Cavalier Daily 6:00 p.m.
Mon-Thurs. Thank you.

Female roommate wanted.
2-bedroom apartment furnished
$75.00 each mo. Walking distance
to University. Please call 295-2542.
8:00-9:30 a.m.s, 6:30-8:00 p.m.s.

Wanted: Home for one or both of
two 8-week old gray and white
kittens, Weaned, broken to litte
box, in good health. Call 296-3291.