University of Virginia Library

Demolishes Invincibility

Demolishing Baltimore's
facade of invincibility were
scorers Buzzy Witt, Mike
Frakes, Courtney Hoopes and
Peter Schmidt. Schmidt's four
kicks accounted for nine points
alone. Dave Hudson and John
Owen were also singled out by
Waldron for exceptional scrum

The "B" side proved that last
weeks 51-0 trouncing of W&L
was no fluke with a 42-6 win
over Baltimore's second side.
In addition, the "D" side came
through with a 16-4 thrashing
of Baltimore's "C" side, which
enabled the ruggers to sweep
the series. Elsewhere, the
James River's best side
white-washed the rugger "C"
side 13-0.

Rugby fans can watch the
rugby team this weekend at
Nameless Field as the "A"
siders host Richmond, Sunday
at 2 p.m. Waldron will be back
in the line-up after recovering
from a broken leg. The high
scoring "B" side will take off
Saturday against W&M at 11