University of Virginia Library

QBs Hot

Oliver's touchdown had been
preceded by a 31-yard field goal by
Ellis Alexander and midway
through the second quarter the Tar
Babies led 24-0. The University
either fumbled or was intercepted
each of its remaining possessions
and Kupec hit 6-6, 225 pound
tight end Chuck Waddell with an
8-yard touchdown pass and Baggett
notched his second scoring aerial on
a 12-yard pass to the wee Stanford.
Alexander ended the half with a
booming 42-yard field goal that
conceivably would have been good
from ten yards farther back.

The second half, marred by
injuries and rough play by either
team, saw Virginia cough up the
ball several times deep in its own
territory, once on the ten and
another time on the 20-yard line.
Each time North Carolina scored.
Baggett scored twice on rushes of
four and nine yards, and
sandwiched between the two scores
was a 59-yard bomb from Kupec to
defensive back-turned-wide receiver
Bobby Myrick, who far
outdistanced the befuddled
Cavayearling secondary.

North Carolina's defense was
equally potent as its offense.
Alexander, the punter, doubles as a
linebacker and with 6-2, 249-pound
tackle Ronnie Robinson led a
defensive charge that continually
harried the Cavayearling
signal callers and limited the
first-year ground attack to a meager
40 yards rushing. The Tar Baby
secondary also was tough, allowing
the completion of only ten of 28
passes for 64 yards.