University of Virginia Library

Rawles Gets Bye

The third defending champ,
Jamie Rawles of Phi Kap, has a bye
until the final round on Thursday
because there are only three people
in the 139-pound class.


Photo By Howard Weinberg

IM Boxing Tournament Enters Semifinals Tonight

Fifteen Bout Card Starts At 7:30 In Memorial Gym

Pairings for the semifinal round
are: 129 — Mark Smith (Theta
Delt) vs. John Matthews (Theta
Delt); Jake Kenworthy (Phi Gam)
vs. Fulton Patrick (Sigma NU) 139
— Richard Alford (Zete) vs. Charles
Wilder (Sigma Phi); Jamie Rawles
(Phi Kap)-Bye. 147-Wade Massey
(St. A) vs. Charles Tanksley (Phi
Delt); Kevin Hurley (Ind) vs. Mike
Montgomery (Ind.) 157- Mark
Kramer (DKE) vs. Phil Barber
(PiKa); Paul Bruun (Chi Psi) vs.
Andy Previtali (Ind) 167 — Richard
Berkeley (DKE) vs. David
Hollingsworth (Chi Phi); Charlie
Frazier (St. A) vs. Phil Russell (Phi
Gam) 178- Steve Bledsoe (SAE) vs.
Dave Bowman (Zete); Tom Gilroy
(Phi Psi) vs. Richard Oftedal (Ind)
198- Lynn Housner (Sigma Nu) vs.
Don Show (St. A); Cleve Null (Ind)
vs Al McLean (Chi Phi)
Heavyweight — Glenn Russell (Pi
Kap) vs. Mike Scheer (Sigma Nu);
Bob Lipman (Phi Delt) vs. Rick
Sterba (SPE)