University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

Dean Cauthen Thanks Fund Donor

Dear Sir:

Allow me, please, to use your
columns to thank an anonymous
donor for a generous contribution
to the College's undergraduate
research fund. Although it may be
impossible to undertake the
detailed research he suggests on a
rather interesting phenomenon, I
can assure him that his contribution
will be utilized in a way I know he
would approve.

Not unimportantly, perhaps, his
generosity may encourage others to
support this most worthy project.
Now that the fund is established,
requests are already being received
for support. One such gift as this,
we hope, will lead to others.

I.B. Cauthen, Jr.
Dean of the College

No Automobiles

Dear Sir:

The University could solve many
of its traffic and parking problems
by adopting the policy of a great
many institutions which have
realized that it is desirable to
confront said problem rather than
to encourage it. Merely place the
following under the Motor Vehicle
section of the Undergraduate
catalog: "Those who feel it
necessary of desirable to operate or
be in possession of an automobile
while in attendance should select
another institution."

C.T. Penn
Grad A&S 1

Concert Error

Dear Sir:

I really hate to get involved in
the great concert cancellation
debate, but there is an error in Mr.
Buford's article "P K German,
Union Coalition Proposed." In the
article Mr. Sansonetti is quoted as
saying "the bottom has been falling
out of the concert music market."
The reason for this as stated in the
article is that Bill Graham is not
promoting live concerts at the
Fillmore East as much as he used to
with the "emphasis from live
appearances to films and tapes."

Dear Mr. Sansonetti this is
simply not the case. The Fillmore is
in no way cutting back it's live
performances now or in the future.
For example in the next month
they have four concerts every
weekend. They have an 8:00 and
11:30 Friday and Saturday night
concerts every weekend. In
addition to this they have two
weekday concert dates in the next
month on Tuesday and Wednesday
Feb. 16 and 17, when they will run
a full compliment of two shows
each night. The only time the
Fillmore runs tapes or films is in
the brief interval in between sets
when they must set up the next
groups equipment.

I cannot see how Mr. Sansonetti
concludes that Graham is cutting
back on live concerts when in fact
he is actually putting more on. I
hate to see such a bullshit operation
lay the blame for not being able to
sign and hold performers on the
best operation of it's kind on the
east coast. The Fillmore presents
the best concerts I have ever seen,
in the quality of sound, the quality
of thy performing artists and in the
absolute efficiency of the whole
operation from seating to

If Mr. Sansonetti can not put up
the capital to draw performers to
this cosmopolitan mecca then I
suggest he shut up. Incidentally,
our own Roberts Fack appeared at
the Fillmore East last Thursday
(Feb. 11) as an "extra added

Winthrop Gardner
College 2

Duke Forever

Dear Sir:

For three years I have put up
with a lot from the C.D. Numerous
times in the past I have been
tempted to write obscene letters to
the C.D.; but being naturally good
natured, I have been content to grin
and bear most viewpoints expressed
in the paper; however staff writer
Paul Chaplin's review "Last of the
Tired Westerns" was the last straw.

The fact that Mr. Chaplin didn't
care for "Rio Lobo" didn't bother
me too much. As a dedicated Duke
fan, I was once again able to laugh
it off as ignorance, but the
statement that "John Wayne is over
the hill" cannot be tolerated. The
Duke was, is, and will always be the

Jim Edmonds
College 3