University of Virginia Library

Parkhill Stars

Superhooper Barry Parkhill was
again the moving factor as the
Pennsylvania flash dropped in nine
of seventeen floor attempts and
three foul shots for 21 points. Scott
McCandlish looked very big with a
perfect seven for seven from the
foul stripe and five field goals for
17. Junior Frank DeWitt picked up
the attack in an early second half
stump and fired in 16 markers, 14
in the last period.

After the Terps jumped off to
an early three point lead Parkhill
got the slightly off Virginia offense
rolling with six straight points. The
very slow tempo of he first ten
minutes saw much ball handling by
Maryland's "name" sophs Howard
White and Jim O'Brien (complete
with red Maryland "knickers").
Coach Bill Gibson, delighting the
crowd in his Sunkist orange
Wahoowah trousers insured reserve
Jim Hobgood who wasted no time
in throwing in a 23-foot bomb
to give the Cavaliers their first lead
in the contest, 22-21.