University of Virginia Library



One man's Gerrard Perregaux
self winding, 10 carat gold watch
with gold stretch band and calendar.
New Aug. 1. $45. One
Sunbeam electric shavemaster, cord
or cordless. 4 blades, $12.60.
Robert Sawyer SAE house.

GROOVY TIES — $4 each, or
$3.50 custom-made (you supply
5/8 yd. of any material). Leslie,
afternoon at the CD office.

Strobe lights for sale or rent.
Dick Barron. Note residence change
to 231 Dunnington. No phone yet.

Six month old G.E. refrigerator
with freezer. l. 22″, w. 20″, h. 18″.
For dorm room or apartment. $80.

electric heater, $10, double electric
blanket $5, 2-drawer heavy duty
filing cabinet $10. Attractive 100
copy magazine rack, $5. Call

Yamaha 175 Enduro, low mileage,
excellent condition. Call
295-2540 after 5 p.m.

1968 Fiat Spyder, $1400. Call
Chase at 295-1056 or 293-7070.

Typewriter, IBM electric, elite,
less than 3 years old. $250. Call
296-5604, 9-5 weekdays.

TIMES disjointed? — Spero
melloral Snap back to sanity. U.Va.
Pictorial Map has subtle charisma.

L.R.E. stereo components: automatic
tape deck $100, Slimline
SK-300 speakers $50 each. Call Hal
Parrish at 295-5792 or Phil Leber at

250cc Zundapp, street scrambler,
well made German bike. Just
overhauled. $250. Call after 9,

Rudy's Coin Shop, 216 4th
Street N.E. Coins, coin supplies,
antiques and old books. Open
Friday night and all day Saturday.

1964 Comet, 6 cylinder automatic,
immaculate condition.
Owner return to England. Offers,
293-7038, 5-7 p.m.

1966 Triumph TR4A, engine
rebuilt. Hard and soft surrey tops,
roll bar and shoulder harness plus
other extras. Excellent condition.

Fireplace wood, seasoned, kindling
Cherry Ave. Gulf, 293-5905.

Mini-bikes, trail bikes, 5 different
sizes to choose from. Cherry
Avenue Gulf. 293-5905.

Triumph 250 — year old. Clean
machine, must sell. Charles Gay,
293-4908 St. Anthony Hall.

German puppy dogs, 5 months
old. Call 293-0168.


Xanadu needs new proprietor.
Must have MONEY, a little time
and much interest. Call 293-9380
after 6 p.m.

Experienced basketball references
and a modern dance instructor.
Dept. of Recreation at 296-8186.

$50 to the first person to
assume my housing assignment. Got
married and moved. Call Fred

Emergency! Need ride to western
Kentucky weekend Nov. 7-8.
Call Peyton at 295-6938 before

Career girls or student-wives.
Challenging opportunity with responsibility
and unlimited growth.
Typing required, shorthand preferred.
Position will involve reception,
light bookkeeping, telephone and
correspondence. Beautiful new office
in Edam Forest, good income,
fringe benefits, and profit sharing
program. Call 296-4121 for appt. if
you qualify.


Lady's gold bracelet cover
watch. Reward. Call 296-2432.

On first floor of Cabell. Eljo's
bag containing trousers. Bob
Waters, 303 Hancock, 295-9080.


Magicians for parties. Typical
fee, $50. Children's birthday parties,
as little as $15. Charles Huddie
at 293-7953.

ALL YOU CAN EAT — Chicken,
spaghetti or fish with vegetable
and beverage, $1.78. Sweet Pea's
Chicken House, Rt. 29S, one mile
from city. 296-0904.

Need your fraternity house or
apartment cleaned? If so, the
sophomore class of Sweet Briar
college is interested. For further
infor. call 381-2466, 9 p.m.-midnight
Monday through Thursday.

Where did John put his head and
what did the captain say?