University of Virginia Library



DR. MELVIN FIGLEY, professor
and chairman of Dept. of
Radiology at U. of Washington, will
discuss how radiology can aid in the
diagnosis of blood clots on the
lung. Amphitheatre of Med. school
at 5 p.m.

CANDIDATES for President of
the College will present their views
on the Honor System at 9:30 p.m.
during the Jefferson Society meeting.
Public invited.

VA. CHRISTIAN Fellowship
will meet at 7:30 in Madison Hall.
Mr. J. Churchill, history instructor
at Blue Ridge School, will speak on
"The Glory and Significance of the

ALL Engineering students and
faculty invited to Theta Tau rush
smoker from 8-12 at Theta Delta
Chi house, 1811 Lambeth Lane.

TRIGON Engineering Society
invites all engineering students and
faculty to rush party at Delta Sigma
P from 8-12. Refreshments. Dates

A PROBLEM based on the Dr.
Spock — Rev. Coffin draft trial case
will be argued in the Lile Moot
Court semi-finals, today and tomorrow
at 8:30 in Cabell Hall Auditorium.


Decoration Comm. meeting at 8:30
after Guide meeting in Rotunda.
All interested Jefferson Society and
Guide members please attend.

IFC meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
South Meeting Room. Governing
Board meeting at 6:45.

HIGH SCHOOL recruiters:
Please attend a meeting at 7:30 in
room 4B, Newcomb Hall to evaluate
the effectiveness of the program
and its procedures. Please bring the
names and addresses of any recruitable

BAD CHECK Comm. meeting at
8 p.m., Honor Committee Room.

IEEE meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
A&M Auditorium. Mr. Kavanaugh
will discuss "New Developments at
IBM." All engineers invited. Refreshments.


UNDER new procedures established
by Student Council, all
organizations requesting funds are
required to submit requests by
April 15. Forms and instructions
can be picked up at Student
Council office, 4th floor, Newcomb
Hall, Monday-Friday, 9-1 and 2-5.
Hearings on these requests held
between April 21-23.

ELECTIONS for Student Council
and Graduate School officers
held in Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences on April 8 from 9-5.

READING DAYS for second
semester will be May 23 and May
26. The five-day optional reading
period will not go into effect until
next session.

DURING the week of April
14-18 all rising third year students
should confer with their Association
Deans about declaring a major
or informing them of their plans to
transfer. These students should first
report to the lobby of Old Cabell
between 2-5, April 10-17, and
receive instructions about the procedure.
The distribution of materials
will not take place on Founder's
Day, April 14. Association Deans
and Dept. Advisers will be available
according to schedules posted on
their office doors. Rising third year
students who do not declare majors
are ineligible to return to the

ATTENTION all present and
past members of the U. Union
Program Board: The Program Board
cards will NOT be honored at
Fiddler on the Roof unless you are
a member of the 1968-69 Program
Board (current). Present members
will be allowed only in the
"press-light box" section.

SEVEN Society: You have mail
in the Rotunda.