University of Virginia Library

Boorish Behavior

Dear Sir:

As a student-wife at the University
for the past two years, I have
often had occasion to doubt the
validity of the "Virginia Gentleman"
myth. However, I have never
in my entire life observed such
rude, boorish behavior as that of
some twenty second-year French
students who attended Antigone at
Lane High School Monday night. It
was fairly obvious that they were
unable to understand the French.
Unfortunately those of us who
were not so linguistically crippled,
nevertheless were subjected to their
loud jeering conversation. It is
difficult to plunge oneself into
Anouilk's philosophy, but it is
Herculean task when others are
discussing their skiing techniques or
their low grades in French.

If the play was required for a
course, and if these "gentlemen"
found the assignment so distasteful,
they certainly gained nothing by
staying in the theatre. The Lane
students who are supposedly much
more culturally deprived than our
Cavalier, behaved a great deal more

I hardly think such ill-mannered
behavior should masquerade under
the guise of sophistication. Furthermore,
in a cultural wasteland such
as Charlottesville, the opportunities
to see a first-rate production are
scant indeed, and should not be
destroyed by a group of ignorant

Restez chez vous, Chevaliers! Ne
nous embettez plus!

Virginia G. Allen