The Cavalier daily. Thursday, February 13, 1969 | ||
ENGLISH 210 - Irish Literature
in Transl. will meet at 1 p.m.
in Wilson Hall 316.
in Conference room, 3rd floor
Newcomb Hall, today 12-2 p.m.
For appt. call 9 a.m.-5 p.m.,
296-7208; 7-1 a.m. 296-8849.
Harris, W. Watson and T. Bird, and
others. Presented by VCHR at the
Zion Union Baptist Church on
Preston Avenue, 7:30 p.m.
TONIGHT see original, uncut
version of King Kong, Newcomb
Hall Ballroom at 7 and 9. Fifty
hour at Graduate Lounge, 5
CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
at 7 p.m., 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.
CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 8 p.m. Room next to contract
cafeteria. All bridge players
GOLF meeting, Varsity and
first-year at 5 p.m., lecture room,
Memorial Gym.
TUTORING Teach-In in South
Meeting Room, Newcomb Hall. All
invited. Sponsored by Venable Tutorial
Program. Speaker, Film discussion.
CIRCLE K meeting in room 4A
Newcomb Hall at 7 p.m.
ELI BANANA meeting in Zete
House, 10 p.m.
DEPT. of Biology, Gilmer Hall
presents Dr. N. Sperlaks from
Dept. of Physiology speaking on
"Electrophysiology of Cultured
Heart Cells" at 4 p.m. in room 150.
Coffee and tea at 3:30 in room
lead a seminar on RET in Newcomb
Hall Ballroom at 8:45 a.m.
MEETING of all 2nd year
members of PK Dance Society
Monday, Feb. 17 in room 4A
Newcomb Hall, at 7 m. Attendance
COURSE description blanks for
the spring semester of the Experimental
University are now available
at their office and at the Main
Desk, Newcomb Hall.
PRELIMINARY Announcement
of 1969 Summer Session is now
available at the Summer Session
office in Garrett Hall. A catalogue
describing courses will be available
in the middle of March. The regular
8 week summer session begins June
23-Aug. 16.
ALL THOSE interested in signing
up for 2nd semester rush should
come to Newcomb Hall Ballroom
on Monday, Feb. 17 from 7-9:30
p.m. Representatives from each
fraternity will be there to sign up
people on their rush lists.
"WHEN COMEDY was King"
will be shown on Sunday, 7 and 9,
in Newcomb Hall. Fifty cents.
E-CLUB buffet and beer to be
held Thursday, Feb. 20 at 7 p.m.
will any undergraduate interested
in running for office please call
Mick Sheppard, 296-8483.
RAVEN Society: The regular
election meeting postponed in December
has been rescheduled for
Monday, Feb. 24 at 7:30 p.m. in
Jefferson Hall. Members will be
informed by letter of details.
COLLOQUIUM on "Antigone"
Sunday Feb. 16 at 2 p.m. in South
Meeting Room, Newcomb Hall. In
RAPIER needs personnel. Call
ART SHOW - California-inspired
drawings and paintings by
Ann Untereiner at the Prism Coffeehouse,
Feb. 12-March 12. Wed.,
8-12; Fri. and Sat., 9 p.m.-2 a.m.
ROBERT ANDERSON, playwright,
will speak on "Modern
American Theatre" at the Minor
Hall Little Theatre Monday, Feb.
17. Students and faculty are admitted
free. All others are $1.
Lecture begins at 8 p.m.
STUDENTS wishing to enroll in
the student Blue Cross/Blue Shield
hospitalization program must do so
by contacting the local office,
Barracks Rd. Shopping Center,
296-8146 by Monday, Feb. 17. All
students must be enrolled in this
program or a comparable program
with another company.
APPLICATIONS for dormitory
counselorship available at Housing
Office, Emmet House during office
hours until Friday, Feb. 14. Each
interested student must pick up his
own application. The deadline for
filling an application is 5 p.m., Feb.
20. All applicants are required to
take a U. knowledge test given Feb.
18 and Feb. 19 in Gilmer Hall Aud.
at 7 p.m.
NROTC is now taking applications
for the 2 year contract program.
Inquire Administration
office, room 105 Maury Hall. Deadline
for applications is March 5.
US ARMY OCS testing and interview
will be conducted in Charlottesville
Main Post Office on Feb.
17, 18. Call SFC Daniel Wright at
295-5253 for appointment.
COMPUTER Science Center will
offer an introductory course in
computer programming starting
Feb. 17. The course assumes
prior knowledge of computers and
will be held in Gilmer Hall Aud.
from 7:30-9:30 on Feb. 17, 21, 25,
26, March 3, 5. There is no charge
and registration is by attendance at
first meeting. At hat time textbooks
for the course will be available
for $5.
UNIVERSITY Union is sponsoring
a bus to Mary Washington for a
mixer on Friday. Tickets at Main
Desk, Newcomb Hall for $3.
THE TRIP to Freeport is on
Contact University Union, 4th
floor, Newcomb Hall for information,
ext. 3286.
The Cavalier daily. Thursday, February 13, 1969 | ||