University of Virginia Library


The retirement of Messrs. Harris, Dillard,
and Cole, and possibly of Mr. Cherry,
from their respective administrative positions
marks the removal from the forefront of
several more members of the University's
Old Guard. They have served the University
well in their various capacities, and all
those who have had occasion to fall under
their influence or to deal with them formally
or informally are better for it. The University
is better for their having been here.

Fortunately, each of them will continue
in the University community for a while
in one capacity or another, so we will not
be deprived of all their influence in one fell

Gentlemen, we salute you for jobs "well
done." We all owe you a lot which we
can never hope to repay. May the improvement
in ourselves for having known you be
some repayment or gratification for you.