University of Virginia Library


Personality Posters, Psychedelic,
Ski Posters and Buttons. If
we don't have them, then you
don't want them. Send for samples
and list.? MADAM BUTTERFLY's
Gift Shop, 4609 E. Colfax,
Denver, Colorado.

If you are interested in business,
have at least 2 years college
and plan on leaving the U.
after this term and would like to
grow with a young, progressive,
successful business, and can furnish
references as to your integrity,
dependability and sobriety
then we are interested in talking
with you. Unlimited opportunity,
service exempt. Call 293-8179 for
Appointment, Bruton and Co.,

YOUR HELP. Volunteers this
weekend; D.C. headquarters, Call
Ron Shipley, ext. 3005.

Photographs for applications
ROTC and Service forms. One day
service. Gitchell's Studio, 521 E.
Main, 296-7558.

Manuscripts, any type, any
length, edited by a professional
Legitimate work only, Greenfields
Literary Service, call 296-8652.

Spring mending? Zippers, hems,
cuffing, alterations and repairs at
most reasonable prices, pick up
and delivery, custom slipcovers
and drapes. Free estimates, phone
293-9232 evenings and Saturdays.

Germanistikstud, an der Uni
sucht Zimmer fuer kommendes
Jahr mit einer deut. Familie in
Ch-ville., Zweck: taegl. Sprachkontakt
fuers Studium. Bitte rufen
Ste 54940 an, od. schreiben
Ste an L.Olschner, 912 Rosser
Lane, Ch.