University of Virginia Library

Hoopes Scores First

Inside back Courtney Hoopes
opened Virginia's scoring with a
twisting thirty yard scoring gallop.
Hoopes took a pass from fly-half
Ai Duck worth, faked another
lateral, dodged the last Hoya defender
and carried the ball into the
end zone untouched. Julian Raney
converted, and the score was 5-0.

Georgetown quickly struck back
in the person of Mike Conroy.
The diminutive Hoya speedster recovered
his own pop-kick behind
the Virginia secondary, and outraced
them for the try. The conversion
attempt failed.

Dave Blumberg and Julian
Raney accounted for the Cavaliers'
next five points. Rancy carried
the ball to within a few yards
of the goal and then passed the
ball off to Blumberg who had
come up from the scrum and dove
over for the score. Raney again
converted, and the score was 10-3.