University of Virginia Library

Disappearing Weeklies

We were distressed to learn that the
Virginia Weekly is still losing as many as
200 issues each printing from its newsstands
around the Grounds. The Weekly
has also lost a considerable amount of change
from its coin boxes, but we suspect that
persons outside the University are at fault.
What concerns us the most are those University
students who are too careless to drop
a dime in the slot when picking up a Weekly
or who deliberately flaunt the spirit of the
Honor System by stealing what might seem
a trifle.

As the Weekly is forever reminding us,
the publication is in serious financial straits
and faces possible extinction. The editors
say they are happy to have this unpaid
circulation, only they need the money to
make up the deficit on each issue.

The Weekly deserves a fair chance to
make a go of itself. We hope that these
200 or so "subscribers" will have the
decency next time to put themselves in the
paying category.