University of Virginia Library


$65 to $95 Per wk/part time.
Unlimited earning potential
addressing envelopes at your home
in your spare time. Companies are
paying top money to individuals
with Good handwriting for
"personally" addressing their
envelopes. For further information
regarding opportunities with these
companies, send $2 to Advertising
Associates. P.O. Box 487,
Crawfordville, Fla. 32327.

Female roommate wanted. Over 2.
Share modern house with girls.
Furnished. $8/mo. 298-69.

Roommate-fully-equipped apt., 17th
Street, no. 10, 2 blocks. Call

Roommate–Graduate student
preferred. Large apartment at
Rugby-McIntire, 8 blocks,
furnished, except your bed. $77-0
Christopher 977-807, 77-44.

Full & part-time busboys. 11:00
a.m.–:30 p.m., Apply in person to
The Library Restaurant.

Need help with your French? Call
296-9941 for well qualified tutor
with reasonable rates.

Wanted: Male or Female to work in
kitchen 10 hours a week. Free
meals or comparable salary.
Congenial fraternity house
surroundings. 295-7355. Ask for
Nick Shble.

Male resident dormitory counselor
in small home like boys boarding
school. Exceptionally nice living
conditions and numerous benefits
to responsible mature student.
Room, board, salary. Phone
295-0457 after 6 p.m.