University of Virginia Library


The banking system constitutes so vital a part of the present economic organization
of society that it makes a commanding appeal (a) to those who wish to
become well informed with respect to financial institutions, (b) to those who expect
to engage in other business and (c) to those who plan to enter the profession
of banking. The financial system is the very heart of the present economic order
and the business executive in any field must have a sufficient knowledge of banking
to insure proper relations between his business and the banker. The course
is designed to provide a cultural knowledge of financial organization, to show the
interdependence of banking and business and to afford an adequate foundation for
a career in the banking profession.


Page 21


Third Year:

Commercial Law B1 
Economics B2 
Economics B3 
Economics B5 
Government B1 

Fourth Year:

History B2 or B3 
Another B course in Economics 
Economics C2 
Economics C4