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Educational Tests.—The Department of Education maintains a Bureau of
Tests and Measurements as a feature of its extra-University service. Select
standard tests in school subjects will be supplied to cities, counties and individual
schools at cost. Members of the Faculty of Education will visit the schools to be
tested, train teachers in the use of the tests and personally direct the giving and
scoring of them, provided the necessary traveling expenses are borne by the
schools served.

Mental Tests.—In connection with its work in educational psychology, the
Department undertakes to assist school authorities in the diagnosis and training
of backward and gifted children. Assistance will be rendered in the making of
mental surveys and the establishment of special classes. A clinic will be maintained
for the study of cases accessible to the University and the services of the
professor in charge will be available to any community in Virginia at the cost of
the necessary test materials and traveling expenses.

Any school official desiring the services of the Bureau of Tests and Measurements
should address the Dean of the Department of Education.