University of Virginia Library

HYMN 77. (L. M.) The Love of Christ to the Church, in his Language to her, and Provisions for her, Sol. Song vii. 5, 6, 9, 12, 13.


Now in the galleries of his grace
Appears the king, and thus he says,
‘How fair my saints are in my sight!
‘My love how pleasant for delight!’


Kind is thy language, Sovereign Lord,
There's heavenly grace in every word:
From that dear mouth a stream divine
Flows sweeter than the choicest wine.


Such wondrous love awakes the lip
Of saints that were almost asleep,
To speak the praises of thy name,
And makes our cold affections flame.



These are the joys he lets us know
In fields and villages below,
Gives us a relish of his love,
But keeps his noblest feast above.


In paradise within the gates
An higher entertainment waits;
Fruits new and old laid up in store,
Where we shall feed, but thirst no more.