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His bones are full of the sinnes of his youth. JOB 20. 11.


The swift-foot Post of Time hath now begun
His second Stage;
The dawning of our Age
Is lost and spent without a Sun:
The light of Reason did not yet appeare
Within th'Horizon of this Hemispheare.


The infant Will had yet none other guide,
But twilight Sense;
And what is gayn'd from thence
But doubtfull Steps, that tread aside?
Reason now draws her Curtains; Her clos'd eyes
Begin to open, and she calls to rise.


Youths now disclosing Buds peeps out, and showes
Her Aprill head;
And from her grass greene bed,
Her virgin Primerose early blowes;
Whil'st waking Philomel prepares to sing
Her warbling Sonets to the wanton Spring.


His Stage is pleasant, and her way seemes short,
All strow'd with flowers;
The daies appeare but howers,
Being spent in time-beguiling sport.
Here griefes do neither press, nor doubts perplex;
Here's neither feare, to curb; nor care, to vex.


His downie Cheek growes proud, and now disdaines
The Tutors hand;
He glories to command
The proud neckt Steed with prouder Reynes:
The strong breath'd Horne must now salute his eare,
With the glad downefall of the falling Deare.


His quicknos'd Armie, with their deepmouth'd sounds,
Must now prepare
To chase the tim'rous Hare
About his, yet unmorgag'd, Grounds;
The ev'll he hates, is Counsell, and delay,
And feares no mischief, but a rainie day.


The thought he takes, is how to take no thought
For bale, nor blisse;
And late Repentance is
The last deare Pen'worth that he bought:
He is a daintie Morning, and he may,
If lust o'recast him not, b'as faire a Day.


Proud Blossom, use thy Time; Times headstrong Horse
Will post away;
Trust not the foll'wing day,
For ev'ry day brings forth a worse:
Take Time at best: Beleeve't, thy daies will fall
From good, to bad; From bad, to worst of all.

St. AMB.

Humility is a rare thing in a young man, therefore to be admired: When youth is vigorous, when strength is firme, when blood is hot, when Cares are strangers, when mirth is free, then Pride swells, and humility is despised.