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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia :

the charter as amended and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole June 6th, 1932, in effect July 15th, 1932

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Sec. 373. Providing for the proper disposal of human
excreta, and prescribing construction, maintenance,
scavenger, and inspection of privies, etc.

(1) The owner of every building now erected, or which may
hereafter be erected, remodeled or repaired, whether occupied
or to be occupied for any purpose shall cause the same to be connected
with the City sewer, provided such building or premises
be on or along the line of a public sewer, unless in any case it can
be shown to the satisfaction of the Health Officer that there is
no necessity for such connection. It shall be unlawful for any
person to have any privy on his lot or in any home on the line of
the City system of sewerage that is not connected therewith.

All buildings and premises, whether situated on public lanes or
courts, or on such lanes or courts as have not been accepted by
the Council as public when the same opens in to the street on
which the City sewers are laid, shall be considered on the line of
the said City system of sewerage; and the owner of building and
premises on said lanes and courts, not accepted as public, shall
run at his expense a laternal to connect therewith, in accordance
with regulation herein contained governing sewers.

The plumbing and drainage system of every building shall be
separately connected with public sewer at property lines, and in
a row of tenements each tenement shall be deemed a separate
house. The connection of more than one building to the same


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house sewer will not be allowed except by written permission of
the City Manager.

In cases where it is not practicable or possible to make connections
with City system of sewers, the use of septic tanks or cesspools
will be allowed in the discretion of the Health Officer and
in all cases shall be constructed and maintained in accordance
with directions of the Health Officer.

(2) It shall be unlawful for any person in Charlottesville to
throw out, deposit or bury within the City limits, any excreta
from human bodies, solid or liquid, or to dispose of such substance
in any manner other than by means of a properly sewered
water closet or a constructed sanitary privy.

(3) All buildings or other places in said City where human
beings live, are employed, or congregate, shall be provided with
a sewered water closet or a sanitary privy for the catchment, or
receiving of human discharge, which will properly dispose of
and safeguard such matter.

(4) It shall be unlawful for any property owner or his authorized
agent or tenant to construct, maintain or permit to exist
on any property or properties under his control, where sewer
connection has not been made, a privy unless the same be sanitary,
and constructed in accordance with the State requirements
for a sanitary privy and approved by the Health Officer.

(5) The Health Officer shall prescribe by regulations proper
size and methods of construction of such privies, and such other
details, as will render this section effective and its application
uniform. All such privies must conform to such regulations.

(6) All sanitary privies in said City shall be kept in a cleanly
condition at all times and so used that all excreta deposited therein
shall fall into the receptacle or pit provided. Such receptacle
or pit shall be used only for the purpose of a toilet, and no waste
water, garbage, or other refuse matter other than human excreta
shall be deposited therein.

(7) No privy shall be permitted to become filled to overflowing.
Before the pit is allowed to overflow a new pit must be provided
and the privy house placed thereon in accordance with directions
of the Health Officer.

(8) All privies existing or maintained in said City which do
not comply with the requirements of this Section or the regulations


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issued under this section, shall be and are hereby declared
a nuisance, dangerous to the public health, and the City shall proceed
to abate such nuisance in accordance with laws of said City.

(9) The City, through the Health Officer, shall have the further
right to make or cause to be made such alterations or constructions
to such privies as are found to be nuisances, that will
render them sanitary, and the entire cost of such work shall be
charged against the owner of the property. All such alterations
or constructions are to be prescribed and approved by the Health

(10) All houses having a sewer which discharges into a septic
tank or cesspool shall be provided with an ample and approved
sub-surface distributing system to care for the effluent from such
tank or cesspool. Persons desiring to have sewer connections in
their homes, where no sewer exists with which to connect, may
be allowed to construct a septic tank, provided the same complies
with the regulations of the State Board of Health and is approved
by the Health Officer.

(11) All receptacles for sanitary privies shall be in the beginning
furnished by the property owner. Said receptacle shall be
inter-changeable from closet to closet and replacement of destroyed
or worn receptacles is to be made by the City. It shall
be unlawful for any person to take, destroy, misuse or misplace
any such receptacle.

(12) The Health Officer or a duly appointed inspector, shall
personally inspect all the privies in Charlottesville as such inspection
shall be deemed by said Health Officer necessary. The
Health Officer, or a duly appointed inspector, is hereby empowered
to enter all premises in the discharge of this duty.

(13) When an existing can privy becomes unsanitary and its
replacement is directed by the Health Officer, the new privy shall
conform to the State standards for a sanitary privy as approved
by the Health Officer.

(14) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section,
or any person who in any way obstructs the City Health
authorities in the proper discharge of the duties prescribed in
this section, shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum of not less
than $5.00 nor more than $100.00 and may also be sentenced to
hard labor for the City for a period of time not exceeding six


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months. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a
separate offense.