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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia

containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909

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Sec. 333. Election, term and compensation.

The Council shall elect one of the practicing physicians of the
city to the office of City Physician, and such officer shall hold his
position for the term of two years, except when elected to fill the
vacancy when it shall be for the unexpired term. He shall receive
such compensation for his services as may be fixed by the Council.

Sec. 334. Same—duties.

He shall visit and attend all charity patients reported to him
whether infectious, contagious, medical or surgical, and when, in
his discretion, he may deem it necessary, may send such patients
to one of the hospitals designated by the ordinances for the care
of charity patients.

He shall, upon the request of the Mayor or any policeman, inspect
any tramp or person under arrest who may be suspected of
being the victim of any contagious or infectious disease.

He shall inspect the public schools of the city and see that they
are kept in good sanitary condition, and that the laws of health
are observed in their management.

He shall inspect all slaughter houses within one mile of the
city limits and report to the Board of Health any neglect of sanitary

He shall examine specimens of milk taken by himself from the
distributing carts at least every two months and report same to
the Board of Health when below standard. (Standard; 11 per
cent. total solids—1028. to 1035. Sp. Gr.)

He shall visit all dairies supplying milk to the city once every
quarter and oftener if he shall deem it necessary, and report to
the Board of Health any failure to comply with necessary cleanliness
and sanitation.

He shall examine all claims against the city for medicines or
druggists' supplies made on prescriptions given by him, and, before


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such accounts are paid, they shall be approved by him. He
shall also examine all bills of hospitals for patients remanded
thereto by him and, before such bills are paid, they shall be approved
by him.

Sec. 335. Books and records—custody of.

The City Physician shall be the custodian of all books, records
and papers belonging to the Health Department, and when such
records are not in actual use, they shall be placed in the vault in
the City Hall.