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The Athletic Park contains twenty acres, and includes two athletic fields,
Lambeth Field and Lefevre Field. Two hundred thousand surface feet have
been perfectly graded, drained and fenced, for football, baseball, and track
work. This surface was completed at a cost of about fifty thousand dollars,
and involved the removal of forty-eight thousand cubic yards of earth. A concrete
stadium has been erected seating five thousand persons, and additional
wooden stands provide seating space for three thousand.

Intramural athletics are under the supervision of the Director of Physical
Training and his staff. Intercollegiate Athletics are under the special direction
of the General Athletic Association, a student organization whose object is
to encourage this phase of physical exercise. the faculty exercises a general
advisory control over all athletics, endeavoring to foresee and avert dangerous
tendencies or excess in physical exercise. The development of the general
policies of the University in athletics is instrusted to the Athletic Council—a body
composed of three representatives of the student body, three representatives of
the Alumni Association, three representatives of the General Faculty and the
President of the University. The action of this body is subject to ratification
by the General Faculty.

The Executive Committee of the Athletic Council, composed of one of its
student members, one of its alumni members, its three faculty members and the
President of the University are responsible for the administration of any laws
or regulations governing intercollegiate athletics whether originating from the
Athletic Council, the faculty or from any Conference of which the University
may be a member.

The University of Virginia is a member of the Southern Conference.