I. |
II. |
III. |
IV. |
V. |
VI. |
VII. |
IX. |
X. |
XI. |
I. |
II. |
III. |
IV. |
V. |
VI. |
VII. |
IX. |
1890. |
1891. |
1892. |
1893. |
1894. |
1895. |
1896. |
1897. |
1898. |
1899. |
1900. |
1901. |
1902. |
1903. |
1904. |
1905. |
1906. |
1907. |
1908. |
1909. |
1910. |
1911. |
1912. |
1913. |
1914. |
1915. |
1916. |
1917. |
1918. |
1919. |
1920. |
1921. |
1922. |
1923. |
1924. |
1925. |
1926. |
1927. |
1928. |
1929. |
1930. |
1931. |
1932. |
1933. |
1934. |
X. |
XI. |
XII. |
XII. |
The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ||
[Let Thy church in danger prove]
I will be unto her a wall of fire round about, &c.
—ii. 5.
Let Thy church in danger prove
That Thou, O Lord, art nigher,
Compass'd by almighty love
As by a wall of fire;
Fill us with Thy majesty,
And let Thy presence cast out sin:
Zion then shall holy be,
And glorious all within.
The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley | ||