University of Virginia Library


Aye! to our Optimist 'twould surely seem
An actual pre-arrangement in a scheme


By primal Mind compacted—that the seed
Of Soul best in the soil of Sorrow grows;
And that such pangs and tortures are indeed
Sharp chisel-strokes and heavy mallet-blows
Wherewith the grand Soul-Sculptor cleaves and chips
His native marble into nobler shapes:
And as the mallet swings and chisel trips,—
Out from the sluggish cold chaotic heap
Wherein as possibilities they sleep,
Out come, emerging from their long eclipse
Into vitality that kindling glows
Ever more clear, significant and deep—
Heroic white Existences serene
And lovely, which the divine Artist drapes
With qualities his great Idea must mean
Should make his glorious marbles fit to be
Shrined in high temples of Eternity!
And he would learn, like all who calmly viewed
What sad results from simple love ensued,
How foresight—prudence—cold considerate powers
We need for guidance of this life of ours:
To follow instincts—doing ill to none—
Nay—loving everything beneath the sun—
This will not do—it seems!
Alas!—for such the World with misery teems.
But this—all this would be for Time to teach;
A goal his sanguine soul not yet may reach.
All he has now to do is to depart
And bind up as he may his bleeding heart.