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The Whole Works of William Browne

of Tavistock ... Now first collected and edited, with a memoir of the poet, and notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt, of the Inner Temple

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[Vnhappy Muse, that nothing pleasest me]

Vnhappy Muse, that nothing pleasest me,
But tyr'st thyself to reape anothers blisse,
She that as much forbeares thy melodye,
As feareful maydens doe the serpents hisse,
Doth she not fly away when I would sing?
Or doth she staye, when I with many a teare
Keepe solemne tyme to my woes vttering;
And aske what wilde Birds grant to lend an Eare?
O haples Tongue, in silence euer live,
And ye, my founts of teares, forbeare supply:
Since neither words, nor teares, nor muse can give
Ought worth the pittying such a wretch as I.
Grieue to your selues, if needs you will deplore,
Till teares & words are spent for euermore.
Vnhappy I, in whom no Joye appeares,
And but for sorrowe of all else forlorne;
Mishaps encreasing faster then my yeares,
As I to grieue & dye were onely borne.
Dark sullen night is my too tedious daye;
In it I labour when all others rest,
And wear in discontent those howres awaye,
Which make some lesse deseruing greater blest.
The rose cheekt morne I hate, because it brings
A sad remembrance of my fairer Faire,
From whose deare graue arise continuall springs,
Whose mistye vapours cloude the lightsome ayre.
And onely now I to my Loue preferre
Those Clouds which shed their rayne, & weepe for her.