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John Walter Boswell was born in James City County,
Virginia, on March 20th, 1867, his parents being William
T. and Judith W. (Hockaday) Boswell. When
a boy he attended the schools of James City and New
Kent counties. At the age of nineteen years, he
located in Roanoke, arriving in this city on June 14th,
1886, and on the following day embarked in the real
estate business which he has followed to the present
day. He came to Roanoke in its infancy, and was
here through the dark and strenuous days succeeding
the "boom" period. He had faith in the city's future
and here he resolved to stay. The wisdom of this
resolution he has never had occasion to question. He
is now President of the real estate firm of Boswell &
Tucker Company, Inc. J. L. Kelly is Vice President
and P. Hill Tucker, Secretary and Treasurer. The
firm maintains an elegant suite of offices at rooms
Numbers 107, 108 and 109, First National Bank
Building. Their business is largely embraced in the
sale of real estate privately, its sale at public auction,
the negotiation of loans, the rental of houses, and
the conduct of a large business in fire insurance. A
competent corps of salesmen is employed by the firm
and their business is rapidly developing into one of
the largest and most important in these lines in the
city. On August 3d, 1898, Mr. Boswell married
Lillie C. Hockaday, who died May 17th, 1905. No
children were born to them. On May 23, 1907, he
married Louise D. Hockaday, both of whom were
daughters of J. R. and Bettie T. (Gregory) Hockaday,
their mother being a sister of Judge James M. Gregory,
of Manchester, Virginia. To the latter union two
children have been born, Lillie C. and John Walter
Boswell, Jr.