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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[The sunbeams twinkling thro disparting boughs]

The sunbeams twinkling thro disparting boughs
The long lank shadow of the bowing reed
The frequent plashing of the plunging cows
That on weak water grasses wade to feed


Startling the moor hen where she loves to breed
Breaking the bulrush down that hides her nest
Where haply shoud the school boys rambles lead
The pleasing sight will warm his little breast
To gain the prize nor is much danger guest
Tho wi a stick he carful met[e]s his way
Prizing the eggs as mizers woud their gold
Then hurrying home as Ive done many a day
To string 'em up—O joys but vainly told
No charm returns ye or deludes your stay