University of Virginia Library


Of Briandus Vallius.

When rumblyng thūder thumps are heard in s[kies]
to saue hymself, all fearfull Vallius flies
Downe to some celler (where hymself he hides)
he thinkes in cellers neuer God abides.

A pretie prancke of a modest mayden.

One Furius would haue kist amaide:
she squaimish did appeare


And in a fume gaue Furius,
a whirret on the eare.
And therewith saied, goe kisse your hande,
to kisse if you delite:
Bothe hands and lippes are fleshe alike,
and bothe alike are white.

Of a Mounke.

A sort of theeues had caught a Monke,
whereas thei robde in woode:
Thei bad hym preache, or yelde his purse,
in place whereas he stoode.
The Monke did yelde hymself to preache,
(he durst not disobaie:)
The theues were silent husht, and thus
the Monke began to saie.
The liues, the labours eke of theeues,
I must commende perdie:
The toile thei take, by lande and lake,
doth leade to loftie skie:
For Christ hym self by lande and sea,
did trauell farre and nere:
And neuer rested in one place,
as doeth by bookes appere.
So you my maisters roue and range
abroade from place to place:
Still still you walke your stations,
not restyng any space.


Christ neuer plowde the clottered soile,
nor vsed seede to sowe:
Yet did he liue, and lacked naught:
you liue, and lacke you? no:
What more vnto you should I saie?
to iudgement brought was he:
And he condemned was to death,
so likewise you shall be.
Christ likewise he was fixt on crosse,
and hangde in sight of all:
And thinke you, you shall not be hangde?
yes trust to it, you shall.
Among the goblins blacke of hell,
descended Christ belowe:
And you emong the grisly fiends,
to hell must likewise goe.
Christ beyng thence returnde againe,
on Gods right hande doeth sitte:
But you shall neuer thence returne,
once plungde in Plutos pitte.

To Andreas Goueanus his brother.

I Brother , caught an Hare:
He fell to your share:
Who caught this Hare declare?


I Brother caught and Hare:
it fell to your lot


To eate hym: so an Hare I loste,
and so an Hare I got.

To Zebedeus.

Ne woords of men, nor yet
the Senators decree:
Can make thee laie awaie thy beard,
so faire it seemes to thee.
The man whose beard hym noble makes,
he is not noble, he:
But who his beard nobilitates,
he noble seemes to mee.