University of Virginia Library


Thomas Russell Tillett, was born in Loudoun County,
Virginia, October 27th, 1858, being a son of Edward
M. and Elizabeth (Pierson) Tillett. His father was
wounded in the first
illustration Battle of Manasses, and
after being removed to
his home died three
weeks later. Mr. Tillett
came to Roanoke in
April, 1890, and
for twenty-one years has
been contributing in
many ways to the up-building
of the city.
For three years he was
Deputy Clerk of the
Courts, under Colonel
S. S. Brooke, when he
was appointed by Judge
John W. Woods to fill
an unexpired term as
City Sergeant. He was
elected by the people in
May, 1894, to the office and has been constantly reelected
since, having served five terms of two years
each, and is now serving his second term of four years.

Upon reaching manhood Mr. Tillett taught in the
public schools of Loudoun County, and afterwards
attended the University of Virginia. Since being
elected to the office of City Sergeant, he has read law
and several years ago successfully passed the State Bar
examination, which entitles him to practice law in the
courts of Virginia.

He was married on June 29th, 1889, to Miss Anna F.
Sowers, of Loudoun County, Virginia.

Besides being Sergeant of the city of Roanoke, he has
for a number of years been Commissioner of Accounts
of the Circuit Court, and for many years was a Notary
Public. He is a large property holder in Roanoke,
besides being the owner of a valuable dairy farm in
Loudoun County.