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“Yet what a thought it is, O God! that we
But by the incredible cruelty of Fate
Ordained by Thee,
Are by a strong revulsion forced to flee
To Reason's refuge in her grief,
The astounding beautiful belief
In Death reviving to some glorious state
Which all that cruelty shall compensate!—
Say, that it is so, and must ever be,
By Nature's strong necessity;—
As air plunged deep in water still must rise,
So, plunged in Life, the Soul to the Eternal flies!—
And if it be denied
That Nature—which is Thou!
Does that necessity provide,
Even Doubt must still avow
It should be so provided—must and should—
If Thou art what we must conceive Thee—good!
Or if at last Doubt will remain,
Were it too wild a fancy—to maintain,
(Till clearer light the mystery explain)
Faith has to be created—self-resigning Trust
In Thee—the all-generous and just?
And Trust like that, for aught we know,
Can but in the absence of Assurance grow;
Can but be strengthened to the due degree


By actual plunging in the furnace-glow
And wavering flames of forced Uncertainty:
The Soul can but be fashioned so,
Into the shape of Beauty, and substance clear
Of crystal Confidence sincere—
The form and fineness its high fates require;
As the glass-worker whirls and moulds
Into a graceful vase the glass he holds
Molten in jets intense of fierce white fire.”