University of Virginia Library

Scene X.—Postern of the Great Temple at Ecbatana.

A Soldier
(approaching it).
Ho, friend sentinel!
Let me pass thee, for ancient love. Art thou in a
trance, or art thou dead, with that white face?

Thou saw'st him not—him that entered
but now?

Thou dreamest. The agora swarms: but
at this side there hath been none in sight.

As I live I saw him draw nigh. I drew
both bars across the gate. He entered as though
there had been no hindrance.

Knewest thou the man?

When close to me, yea. The armour
was the same; and the gleam of the steel shone
through the blood. The iron-grey hair bristled up
as of old, like a winter hedge with hail on it; but


the scar on the forehead was redder, and there stood
blood-drops in his eyes. I served him for fifteen
years, and saw him every day to the last, save five.
It was he that once when I struck a woman left me
this mark on my hand.

Who was he?

In thine ear—Parmenio! He is gone in
among the lords in council. Hush! I know by
that shout that Alexander is entering the temple.