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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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[Orderly Book; Lewis:]
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[Orderly Book; Lewis:]

Fort Clatsop, January 1st. 1806

The fort being now completed, the Commanding officers
think proper to direct: that the guard shall as usual consist of
one Sergeant and three privates, and that the same be regularly
relieved each morning at sunrise. The post of the new guard
shall be in the room of the Sergeants rispectivly commanding
the same. the centinel shall be posted, both day and night, on
the parade in front of the commanding offercers quarters; tho'
should he at any time think proper to remove himself to any
other part of the fort, in order the better to inform himself of
the desighns or approach of any party of savages, he is not only
at liberty, but is hereby required to do so. It shall be the
duty of the centinel also to announce the arrival of all parties
of Indians to the Sergeant of the Guard, who shall immediately
report the same to the Commanding officers.


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The Commanding Officers require and charge the Garrison
to treat the natives in a friendly manner; nor will they be permitted
at any time, to abuse, assault or strike them; unless
such abuse assault or stroke be first given by the natives.
nevertheless it shall be right for any individual, in a peaceable
manner, to refuse admittance to, or put out of his room, any
native who may become troublesome to him; and should such
native refuse to go when requested, or attempt to enter their
rooms after being forbidden to do so; it shall be the duty of
the Sergeant of the guard on information of the same, to put
such native out of the fort and see that he is not again admitted
during that day unless specially permitted; and the Sergeant
of the guard may for this purpose imploy such coercive
measures (not extending to the taking of life) as shall at his
discretion be deemed necessary to effect the same.

When any native shall be detected in theft, the Sergt. of the
guard shall immediately inform the Commanding offercers of
the same, to the end that such measures may be pursued with
rispect to the culprit as they shall think most expedient.

At sunset on each day, the Sergt. attended by the interpreter
Charbono and two of his guard, will collect and put out of the
fort, all Indians except such as may specially be permitted to
remain by the Commanding offercers, nor shall they be again
admitted untill the main gate be opened the ensuing morning.

At Sunset, or immediately after the Indians have been dismissed,
both gates shall be shut, and secured, and the main
gate locked and continue so untill sunrise the next morning:
the water-gate may be used freely by the Garrison for the
purpose of passing and repassing at all times, tho' from sunset,
untill sunrise, it shall be the duty of the centinel, to open the
gate for, and shut it after all persons passing and repassing,
suffering the same never to remain unfixed long[er] than is
absolutely necessary.

It shall be the duty of the Sergt. of the guard to keep the
kee of the Meat house, and to cause the guard to keep regular
fires therein when the same may be necessary; and also once
at least in 24 hours to visit the canoes and see that they are
safely secured; and shall further on each morning after he


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is relieved, make his report verbally to the Command[in]g

Each of the old guard will every morning after being relieved
furnish two loads of wood for the commanding offercers fire.

No man is to be particularly exempt from the duty of bringing
meat from the woods, nor none except the Cooks and
Interpreters from that of mounting guard.

Each mess being furnished with an ax, they are directed to
deposit in the room of the commanding offercers all other
public tools of which they are possessed; nor shall the same
at any time hereafter be taken from the said deposit without
the knoledge and permission of the commanding officers; and
any individual so borrowing the tools are strictly required to
bring the same back the moment he has ceased to use them,
and [in] no case shall they be permited to keep them out
all night.

Any individual selling or disposing of any tool or iron or
steel instrument, arms, accoutrements or ammunicion, shall be
deemed guilty of a breach of this order, and shall be tryed and
punished accordingly. the tools loaned to John Shields are
excepted from the restrictions of this order.

Meriwether Lewis
Capt. 1st. U. S. Regt.
WM.. Clark Capt &c