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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas
20 occurrences of "art for art's sake"
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20 occurrences of "art for art's sake"
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Al-Ghazali, The Destruction of Philosophers (Tahafut al-
Falasifah), trans. A. Kamali (Lahore, 1958). This is his lead-
ing philosophical work. Aristotle, History of Animals; our
text is adapted from D'Arcy W. Thompson's version in the
Oxford translation of Aristotle's works under the general
editorship of W. D. Ross (Oxford, 1910), Vol. 4. Averroës
(Ibn Rushd), The Destruction of the Destruction (Tahafut
al-Tahafut), trans. S. van Bergh (London, 1954); this is a
refutation of al-Ghazali. Salomon Bochner, The Role of
Mathematics in the Rise of Science
(Princeton, 1966). Pierre
Boyancé, Lucrèce et l'Épicurisme (Paris, 1963). J. B. Bury,
The Idea of Progress (London, 1920; New York, 1932; reprint
1955). Florian Cajori, ed., Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical
Principles of Natural Philosophy and his System of the
trans. Andrew Motte (1729) revised by F. Cajori
(Berkeley, 1934; many reprints); the Latin title Philosophiae
naturalis principia mathematica
(London, 1687) is briefly
identified as Principia. Gavin de Beer, Charles Darwin
(London, 1963; New York, 1964). René Descartes, La
original text, with an English translation by
David Eugene Smith and M. L. Latham (Chicago, 1925).
Diogenes Laërtius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, 2 vols.
(London and Cambridge, Mass., 1935), Book IX, secs. 28-51
on Leucippus and Democritus; Book X on Epicurus; II,
439ff. Pierre Duhem, Études sur Léonard de Vinci, 3 vols.
(Paris, 1906-13); idem, Le Système du monde. Histoire des
doctrines cosmologiques de Platon à Copernic,
10 vols. (Paris,
1913-59). Rudolf Eisler, Kant-Lexikon (Hildesheim, 1961);
idem, Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe, 4th ed.
(Berlin, 1930), article, “Stetigkeit.” Friedrich Engels, Dia-
lectics of Nature,
ed. C. Duff (New York, 1940). Majid
Fakhry, Islamic Occasionalism and its Critique of Averroës
and Aquinas
(London and New York, 1958). Gustav Theodor
Fechner, Die Tagesansicht gegenüber der Nachtansicht, 2nd
ed. (Leipzig, 1904). Eugene Freeman, The Categories of
Charles S. Peirce
(Chicago, 1931). Charles Coulston Gillispie,
Genesis and Geology (New York, 1960). Bentley Glass, Fore-
runners of Darwin, 1745-1859
(Baltimore, 1958). Johann
Friedrich Herbart, Allgemeine Metaphysik (Königsberg,
1829). Isaac Husik, A History of Medieval Jewish Philosophy
(Philadelphia, 1916), Ch. XVI. Max Jammer, The Conceptual
Development of Quantum Mechanics
(New York, 1966).
Robert Hugh Kargon, Atomism in England from Hariot to
(Oxford and New York, 1966). G. S. Kirk and J. E.
Raven, The Presocratic Philosophers (Cambridge and New
York, 1962). Kurd Lasswitz, Geschichte der Atomistik...,
2 vols. (Hamburg, 1892); Vol. I contains a scathing criticism
of Bruno's atomism after a full account of its scope. Gott-
fried Wilhelm Leibniz, Theodicy, trans. E. M. Huggard
(New Haven, 1953). Leibniz Selections, ed. Philip P. Wiener,
revised ed. (New York, 1959). Arthur O. Lovejoy, The Great
Chain of Being: A Study of the History of an Idea

(Cambridge, Mass., 1936; New York, 1960). Charles Lyell,
Principles of Geology, being an attempt to explain the former
changes of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes Now
in Operation
(London, 1830-33). Moses Maimonides, Guide
of the Perplexed
(Moreh Nebuchem, ca. 1170). Three leading
translations are: (1) S. Munk, in French, with copious notes,
3 vols. (Paris, 1856-66); (2) M. Friedländer, 3 vols. (London,
1881-85, reissue 1 vol. 1925; reprint, New York, 1940),
copiously annotated in English; (3) Shlomo Pines, in English
also (Chicago, 1963), closer to the original than Fried-
länder's, and has important long introductions. Marcel
Mauxion, La Métaphysique de Herbart (Paris, 1894). Murray
G. Murphey, The Development of Peirce's Philosophy (Cam-
bridge, Mass., 1964). Otto Neugebauer, The Exact Sciences
in Antiquity,
2nd ed. (Providence, 1957; New York, 1962).
Parmenides, Works, trans. Leonardo Tarán (Princeton,
1965). Charles S. Peirce, Selected Writings (New York, 1966).
Shlomo Pines, Beiträge zur Islamische Atomenlehre (Berlin,
1936). Otto Pretzl, “Die Frühislamische Atomenlehre,” Der
19 (1931), 117-30. Robert H. Silliman, “Smoke Rings
and Nineteenth-Century Atomism,” Isis, 54 (1963), 461-74.
Solvay Institute, 13th Physics Conference. Structure and
Evolution of Galaxies
(New York, 1965). Oswald Spengler,
The Decline of the West, trans. C. F. Atkinson, 2 vols. (New
York, 1926-28). Stephen Toulmin and June Goodfield, The
Discovery of Time
(London, 1965). Arnold Toynbee, A Study
of History,
12 vols. (London and New York, 1935-61). J.
Tricot, Aristote: histoire des animaux (Paris, 1957). Andrew
G. van Melsen, From Atomos to Atom (New York, 1960).
Hermann Weyl, Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural
(Princeton, 1960).


[See also Baconianism; Cycles; Historiography; Infinity;
Platonism; Pragmatism; Pre-Platonic Conceptions; Progress;
Pythagorean...; Revolution; Uniformitarianism and Ca-