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Nov. 9-15
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Nov. 9-15

At church and hear Mr. Meade....Ma and Nan go to Uncle Bob's for a week's visit. We miss them much especially Ma. Have a letter in the evening from Sally by Uncle Hatter .... Jabe is still in Harrisonburg. Start for a visit to Rugby but meet brother Brown in town. He does not think it safe for me to go then as they fear some new cases of fever. We attend to the business and he paid me a part of Louisa's hire. Says the children have all been very poorly particularly little Cornelia; fears she will not get over it ....Read such a nice book by Bishop [William Ingraham] Kip called The Lenten Fast. Enjoy his views on The Intermediate State. They are both forcible and convincing. Friday I go down in the carriage with Met for Ma and Nan. It is a pleasant little change for me. Dine at Clover Fields. Sleep at Music Hall Friday night and take dinner with Aunt Sally Saturday. Get home before night. I'm so glad to see Sally. Sister Mary is talking of going off with her family both black and white if the Yanks get any nearer. She intends to go with Cousin Thomas [Watson] to Henry County. Hope there is no necessity for her going. Sally seems very well satisfied. Sister Mary has fixed up her and Lydia very comfortably.