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Instead of that imaginary Saint,
Which on our Inns, and Tavern-signs we paint,
And, whom our Grandees, in blew Ribbands wore,
As badge of their chief honour heretofore;
(And in his room, of whom about next Spring,
Another Party seem'd in hope to sing
John for the King) GOD, hath perhaps, prepar'd
That Hero for our Tutelary Guard;
Whom Fame reports arriv'd with an intent
To re-invest the baffl'd Parliament
With her lost Pow'r: which, if it so ensue,
Will make some bid their old St George adieu:
His Legend, will be very little priz'd,
Except, as now, it is Mythologiz'd:
And, this GEORGE will henceforward, by this Nation
Be thought more worthy of Canonization
Than either He, or any one of those
On whose new Saintships, we did trust repose,
Till many did our confidence contemn,
And few, at last, trust either us, or them.