University of Virginia Library



[Shall man to God a method show]

Is the Spirit of the Lord straitened? —ii. 7.

Shall man to God a method show,
Or teach the Spirit how to blow?
He passes all our fancied bounds,
Our systems, plans, and rules confounds,
Our marks, and states, in vain defined
By the blind leaders of the blind;
Who all at last with shame shall own
The' unerring Guide was Christ alone.


[Determined I am Through Jesus's grace]

We will walk in the name of the Lord, &c. —iv. 5.

Determined I am Through Jesus's grace,
To walk in His name, To walk in His ways,
With constant endeavour To practise His word,
And own Him for ever My God and my Lord.



[Thou universal Saviour, come]

In that day will I assemble her that halteth, &c. —iv. 6, 7.

Thou universal Saviour, come,
To call both Jews and Gentiles home,
Thine ancient flock to exile driven,
With every nation under heaven;
A world of halting souls distress'd
Assemble to the gospel-feast,
And then in every heart of man,
Great King of saints, for ever reign.


[Jesus, the church is our strong-hold]

And thou, O tower of the flock, &c. —iv. 8.

Jesus, the church is our strong-hold,
The tower which Thou hast made Thy fold,
And lo, Thy promise we embrace,
Expect the image of our Lord,
Thy kingdom to our souls restored
In all the majesty of grace:
The wide, original domain
By Adam forfeited, again
Shall to Thy spotless church be given;
And we whom Thou dost call Thine own,
Shall take our seats around Thy throne,
Lords of the new-made earth and heaven.


[Jesus, Lord, assume Thy right]

Out of thee shall He come forth, &c. —v. 2.

Jesus, Lord, assume Thy right,
And Israel's Ruler be,
God of God, and Light of Light,
From all eternity,
By Thy matchless power subdued,
Let all Thy glorious Godhead own,
'Stablish on our earth renew'd
Thine everlasting throne.



[Father, Thy kind design explain]

Hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it. —vi. 9.

Father, Thy kind design explain
In every scourge and cross,
What is the meaning of this pain,
This trouble, or this loss?
O might my heart distinctly hear
The language of the rod,
Answer Thy will, and always fear,
And always love my God.


[I hear, the rod I hear]

I hear, the rod I hear
Which takes my strength away!
It tells me, my release is near,
It bids me always pray:
With Thine appointment, Lord,
I cheerfully comply,
And listen for that kindest word
“Go, get thee up, and die.”


[Lord, I look for Thy salvation]

I will look unto the Lord; I will wait, &c. —vii. 7.

Lord, I look for Thy salvation,
For Thyself I look to Thee:
Hear my earnest supplication,
Manifest Thy love in me:
Praying on, and never ceasing
I Thine utmost word shall prove,
Bless'd with all the gospel-blessing,
Fully saved in perfect love.


[Forbear, my foe, thy triumph vain]

Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy, &c. —vii. 8.

Forbear, my foe, thy triumph vain:
Shouldst thou again my soul surprise,
I shall by all my losses gain,
And stronger from my falls arise;


And though I may in darkness mourn,
As banish'd from my Father's sight,
I soon shall see my Lord return
In glorious everlasting light.


[Scourged for my sin, the frown of God]

I will bear the indignation of the Lord, &c. —vii. 9.

Scourged for my sin, the frown of God
In patient silence I abide,
Till Jesus pleads for me His blood,
And turns His Father's wrath aside:
He then shall finish my distress,
Our common foes for ever slay,
And show my heart His righteousness,
And bring me to the perfect day.


[Jesus, who is a God like Thee!]

Who is a God like unto Thee, that pardoneth, &c. —vii. 18.

Jesus, who is a God like Thee!
The God of pardoning grace
Will not impute iniquity
To the believing race:
He passes all our follies by,
And all our sins forgives,
His wrath doth in a moment die,
His love for ever lives.


[Saviour, while after Thee we mourn]

He will turn again, He will have compassion, &c. —vii. 19.

Saviour, while after Thee we mourn,
Thou wilt compassion show,
In mercy to our souls return,
And all our sins subdue;
Thou wilt our utmost Saviour be,
Remove our inbred load,
And cast it all into the sea
Of Thine all-cleansing blood.



[God of eternal truth and grace]

Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob, &c. —vii. 20.

God of eternal truth and grace,
Thy faithful promise seal,
Thy word, Thy oath to Abraham's race
In us, even us fulfil:
Let us to perfect love restored
Thine image here retrieve,
And in the presence of our Lord
The life of angels live.