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Roman Cement,


Directions for using the Roman Cement, in making Tanks, Cisterns, Drains, Ponds, Docks,
the Fronts of Wharves, Vaults, Sewers, and every kind of Brick and Stone Work, in which
Strength is required, or where Wet or Damp are to be excluded.

AFTER the bricks or stones upon which the Cement is to be applied, have been well soaked
with water, (which is necessary to make it adhere firmly,) mix the Cement as quickly as
possible, with as much water as will make it of the consistency of mortar; much water spoils
it. Mix no more at once than can be used in a few minutes, otherwise it will set, and become
unfit for use. Lay it on with as little handling as possible, and leave it the instant it begins to