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MARK XI. 22, 23, 24.
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MARK XI. 22, 23, 24.

Jesu, my trust is in Thy word,
Thy promise I receive;
It ever stands upon record,
And I in God believe.
Thy truth and faithfulness I own,
Which I shall fully prove;
Thy power shall all in me be shown,
Thine utmost power of love.
Such faith in God through Thee I have,
I shall be throughly clean;
Thou canst, Thou wilt the sinner save
From all his inbred sin.
Wherefore through Thee to sin I say,
This mountain in my heart,—
“Be thou removed far hence away,
For ever hence depart!
“No more in me thy being last,
Have thou no place in me;
In Jesu's name I say, Be cast,
Be cast into the sea!”
It shall be so: I do not doubt,
The mountain shall depart;
Sin shall be shortly all cast out
Of my believing heart.
Whate'er I ask I shall receive:
I ask the perfect power
That sin no more in me may live;
And it shall live no more.


I have the things for which I pray
And fervently desire;
Jesu, take all my sins away,
Baptize me with Thy fire.
I ask that I may do Thy will
As angels do above;
I ask Thee all my soul to fill
With pure, seraphic love.
Whate'er I ask in faith I have,
As sure as God is true;
From all my sins Thou soon shalt save,
And all my soul renew.
Things most impossible shall be,
As sure as God is power;
And I shall quickly be in Thee,
And I shall sin no more.
Though heaven and earth away shall pass,
Thy promise cannot move;
And I shall taste the perfect grace,
As sure as God is love!