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Flovvers of Epigrammes

Ovt of sundrie the moste singular authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie: By Timothe Kendall

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Of the infelcitie of Louers.

The Grashopper in medowes grene,
among the fragrant flowers:


With chirpyng chearfull chitteryng shrill,
doeth passe the tedious howers.
And glads the goodly garnisht groues,
with laies and merrie tunes:
And slumberyng vnder dewie grasse,
the gladles night consumes.
She syngyng dies, and neuer feeles
the smart of Parcas knife:
In swete and heauenly harmonie,
she leads and leues her life.
O blest in life, and blest in death:
but me aye me alas:
Bothe daie & night through girt with greef,
my daies in dole I passe.
In Winter sharpe, in froste and snowe,
(a crooked caitiffe old)
I lye and crie before her doores,
quight curlde almoste with cold.
Againe in Sommer cingyng hotte,
when Phebus fierce doeth raigne:
Poore selie soule before her doores,
I (grouelyng) grone and plaine.
I burne in loue, age weares me out,
no daie I finde releef,
No night I rest: but daie and night
still gript with gronyng greef.
Aye wretched are the yonge in loue,
thrise wretched louyng sires:


The Grashopper still happie liues,
oh Cupids frantick sires.