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Connected with the University are two literary societies of long
standing—the Jefferson Society and the Washington Society. At weekly
meetings in their respective halls, they hold debates and practice extemporaneous
and other forms of public speaking. Jointly they form the
Congress of the Debating Union and follow a procedure similar to that
of the national House of Representatives. Each society annually offers gold
medals for excellence in debating and oratory, and each organization contests
for intersociety prizes.

All intercollegiate contests are managed for the societies by the
Debating and Oratorical Council, which sends competitors for the prizes
of the Southern Inter-State Oratorical Association and the Virginia State
Oratorical Association, and conducts a triangular debate with two other
universities. Its present officers are W. A. Adams, Jr., President; A. R.
Ehrman, Vice-President; E. P. Baker, Secretary; C. W. Paul, Adjunct
Professor of Public Speaking, Treasurer, and B. C. Taylor, Assistant


Jefferson Society Orator  John Owen Beaty 
Washington Society Orator  Roswell Curtis Long 
Jefferson Society Debater  John Hugh Murphy 
Washington Society Debater  Roswell Curtis Long 


Founded 1838.

The University of Virginia Magazine, designed to encourage literary
work among the students, is published by the students with the advisory
assistance of the Linden Kent Memorial School of English Literature,
and appears at monthly intervals eight times during the session.

As a stimulus to literary activity, the Magazine offers every year
three medals: one for the best poem, one for the best short story, and
one for the best essay, of student authorship, appearing in one of the
numbers of the publication. The awards are made by alumni committees,
one committee for each of the three medals.


Page 284

Medalists for 1913-1914.

Thomas Jeffries Betts  Short Story 
John Owen Beaty  Essay 
John Owen Beaty  Poem 

Editorial Board for 1914-1915.

Hugh Alwyn Inness-Brown  Editor-in-Chief 

Associate Editors.

Charles Francis Bopes

Thomas Jeffries Betts

Charles Edgar Gilliam

Barron Foster Black

George Abraham Smith  Business Manager 
Alexander Luther Bivins  Assistant Business Manager 


College Topics is a semi-weekly newspaper, published under the
auspices of the General Athletic Association, devoted to the interests of
athletics and the University at large.

Editorial Board for 1914-1915.

William Joseph Parrish, Jr.  Editor-in-Chief 
Donald Mackenzie Faulkner  News Editor 
Thomas Jeffries Betts  Assignment Editor 
Robert Bruce Jackson  Athletic Editor 
Joseph Mettauer Hurt, Jr.  Business Manager 
Darius Todd Wool  Assistant Business Manager 


Corks and Curls is an annual, published during the last term of each
session, under the direction of the Greek letter fraternities and the two
literary societies.

Editor-in-Chief for 1914-1915.
Robert Bruce Jackson.


Page 285



Whitefield Walton Brockman, B. A.,  General Secretary. 

Object.—The Young Men's Christian Association, founded in 1858,
is the largest student organization in the University, and is the oldest
student Young Men's Christian Association in existence. It stands for a
higher spiritual life among the members, and for united effort to help
others in the attempt to live consistent Christian lives.

Work.—The distinctive work of the Association consists in promoting
individual study of the Bible, Foreign Missions, and Social Service, by
means of small classes under student leaders, in maintaining a weekly
Prayer Service, held on Tuesday night at seven-thirty o'clock, in assisting,
through some of its members, the work of the churches and Sunday
Schools in the vicinity of the University, in inviting eminent Christian
workers to address the students on religious matters, and in promoting
social intercourse among the students by means of lectures, entertainments,
and other social events.

The following courses in Bible Study are offered:

  • Studies in the Life of Jesus.

  • Studies in the Psalms.

  • Studies in the Social and Political Teachings of Jesus.

  • Student Standards of Action.

  • Student Problems.

In addition to the above classes, the Association coöperates with the
various churches in Charlottesville in securing student attendance upon
the men's Bible classes of the Sunday Schools.

Equipment.—Through the munificence of Mrs. William E. Dodge and
family, of New York City, the Association possesses a very handsome and
beautiful building, which was erected at a cost, including furnishings, of
about $75,000, and which is maintained by an endowment fund of nearly
$20,000, subscribed by students, alumni, and friends of the University.

This building, called "Madison Hall" in honor of President Madison,
who was so intimately connected with the early history of the University,
faces the north front of the Rotunda. It contains an editorial room for
the college publications, a reception room, reading room, meeting room,
parlor, pool room, office, writing room, auditorium, guest room, bed rooms


Page 286
for the officers, and rooms for the Bible and Missionary departments of
the Association. In addition there is a kitchen, a club room, where
dinners may be served, lockers, and elaborate shower baths. A library
of nearly a thousand volumes of the best religious works and fiction has
been donated by a member of the Dodge family.

The tennis courts, nineteen in number, for the use of the students
of the University, are on the Association grounds immediately in the rear
of the building.

Help for New Students.—The Association publishes during the last
week of August a Handbook of useful information concerning the University
and community, and also a detailed report of the religious work
of the session. The General Secretary will gladly send either of these
publications, or give any further information desired, upon application
of any prospective student. New students are invited to come to Madison
Hall as soon as they reach the University, and to make use of the Information
Bureau which the Association conducts, including a complete boardinghouse
register, a directory of the students, and a list of the various forms
of employment open to students.

The boarding-house list, with locations and prices, is not made up
until the first week in September. It is suggested that new students
arrive a day or two before the session opens, so that they may choose
a boarding place for themselves and get well settled before their work
begins. All correspondence with regard to rooms in the university dormitories
should be directed to the Bursar.

Membership.—The membership of the Association consists of two
classes, active and associate: any member of an evangelical church, who
wishes to take some part in the work of the Association, may become an
active member of the Association; any young man of good moral character
may become an associate member. The annual fee is $2.00 for all members,
an extra charge being made for the use of the baths, lockers, pool tables,
and tennis courts.

Indorsement.—The Rector and Visitors and the Faculty of the University
heartily commend the work of the Association, and it is carnestly
desired that every parent or guardian see to it that the student under his
care be encouraged to join the Association soon after his arrival at the


Through the voluntary gifts of students and members of the Faculty,
religious services are provided at the University Chapel every Sunday morning,
except the first Sunday in each month, when the men are left free to
attend the communion services of their respective churches. There are


Page 287
also occasional Sunday evening services either at the Chapel or at Madison
Hall. The speakers include some of the most distinguished members of
the clergy and laity of Virginia and adjacent states. This plan, which
takes the place of the Chaplain system used in former years, is under the
supervision of the Faculty Committee on Religious Exercises.

A complete list of preachers to the University for 1914 will be found
on page 33.


Page 288


WILLIAM ALEXANDER LAMBETH, M. D., Ph. D.,  Director of the Gymnasium 
HENRY HADEN LANNIGAN  Associate Director of Athletics 
ARTHUR GROMAUN NOEHREN  Instructor in Physical Training 
JOHN SPOTTSWOOD GRAVES, B. A.  Assistant in Physical Training 

The method of instruction pursued does not follow blindly any so-called
system, but proper attention is given to all methods which in whole
or in part have proved useful or effective. The importance of individual
training is in every case recognized, especially where an examination discloses
the student's inability to pursue with safety or profit general or
concerted exercises.

Students are entitled, without cost, to a thorough physical examination
by the Director, and are urged to avail themselves of this privilege
soon after they enter the University. The examination includes an accurate
measurement of the student's physical proportions, a careful examination
of the condition and action of the heart and lungs, and the
strength of the principal muscular groups. Upon the basis of the facts thus
ascertained, advice is given as to particular exercises and the use of
various developing appliances. The examination is repeated at intervals,
note is taken of any improvement, and new exercises are suggested.

In addition to individual work, daily instruction is given to classes
in light gymnastics—marching, figure running, calisthenics, dumb-bells,
and clubs—adapted as nearly as possible to the needs of individuals of
varying age and physical condition. The exercises are gradual and
progressive, commencing with the simplest movements and proceeding to
others more complicated and difficult.

During the winter months instruction in gymnastics which require
great strength and agility is given to those who are fitted for it by previous
training. This work is terminated by an annual gymnastic tournament,
held usually in the early part of March.

The faculty regulations on athletics require that members of the
university athletic teams shall give evidence of satisfactory physical
condition by passing in doubtful cases a strength test, in addition to the
regular physical examination. For members of the football teams 1,300
points are required, for members of the baseball team, 1,100 points.

The points are reckoned as follows: Strength of back in pounds,
strength of legs in pounds, strength of chest in pounds, strength of forearms


Page 289
in pounds (pressure), added to one-tenth of the weight (in pounds),
multiplied by the number of times the body is lifted by the upper arms.

The Fayerweather Gymnasium, the gift of Daniel Fayerweather, of
New York, is a handsome and commodious structure situated on the
eastern slope of Carr's Hill. The first floor contains a spacious exercise
hall, equipped with the best and most approved developing-appliances, as
well as with apparatus for light and heavy gymnastics, a one-twentieth mile
concave-inclined running track, a visitor's gallery, lavatory, trophy-room,
and various offices. The basement floor is concrete throughout and contains
hot and cold baths (needle, shower, spray, tub, and plunge), bowling-alleys,
ball-cage, boiler-room, lockers, locker-room, and dressing-rooms. The
building is heated by hot water, ventilated by airshafts, registers, and skylights,
and lighted by gas and electricity.

The gymnasium is open from 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. every day except
Sunday. Attendance is voluntary and is free of cost to every student.
Classes are arranged at such hours as not to conflict with other university


The Athletic Park contains twenty-one acres, a part of which has
been laid out into a driving park, set with trees and hedges, and containing
the site for the proposed Athletic Clubhouse. Two hundred
thousand surface feet have been perfectly graded, drained, and fenced, for
football, baseball, and track work. This surface was completed at a cost
of about ten thousand dollars, and involved the removal of forty-eight
thousand cubic yards of earth. A concrete stadium has been erected,
seating eight thousand persons.

Games and sports of all kinds are under the special direction of
the General Athletic Association, a student organization whose object
is to encourage this phase of physical exercise. The Faculty, by means of
its Committee on Athletics, exercises a general advisory control, endeavoring
to foresee and avert dangerous tendencies or excess in physical
exercises, while giving to the students, as far as is possible, entire liberty
of management. A strict supervision is maintained over the character of
intercollegiate games, and the number of these which may be played away
from the University is definitely limited.


1. The Faculty Committee on Athletics is intrusted with the general oversight
of athletics, and is authorized to forbid any features in these exercises
which endanger the health or morals of the participants, and to foster the true
spirit of amateur sport among them.

2. No student shall play upon the university athletic teams except after
physical examination by the Director of the Gymnasium (or by a responsible


Page 290
expert officer of the University acting in his stead and by his request) and with
the approbation of the Director.

3. Only students who act as regular or substitute members of the athletic
teams will be granted leaves of absence to accompany them on trips away
from the University, except during vacation and holidays.

4. Special reports may be made to the President from time to time by any
departmental faculty with respect to the class-standing and progress in study of
each regular and substitute player on the athletic teams, and if the President
and such faculty are convinced that his class-standing is discreditable, such
student may be required to sever his connection with such team.

5. The athletic teams should not have contests elsewhere than upon the
university grounds with any teams except those from other institutions of

6. Before any student can become a member or substitute member of any
athletic team in the University and take part in any intercollegiate contest, he
shall make application in a prescribed form in writing to the Faculty Committee
on Athletics, and secure the endorsed approval of his application from
the Committee. It shall be the duty of the Committee to have the executive
officers of the University endorse such application to the effect that the applicant
is an unconditionally registered student of the University.

7. It shall be the duty of the Faculty Committee on Athletics to inquire
into and make a record of the athletic experiences of the applicant, and it shall
be the duty of the applicant to appear before the committee and answer on
his honor such questions as the committee may see fit to ask.

8. It shall be the duty of the Faculty Committee on Athletics, before it
endorses an application, to require of the applicant a written pledge, certifying
on his honor that he has never accepted directly or indirectly remuneration,
compensatory gift, valuable consideration or the promise thereof, for or on
account of his athletic services, and that he is in the proper and strict sense of
the word an amateur athlete.

9. No student who has been a member or a substitute member of a football
or baseball team of another college or university shall be permitted to become
a member of either team of this university during his first session; but
in no case shall such student be eligible for these teams at this university
unless he shall have been a student here at least five months. The above provision
shall apply also to all students who enter this university with less than
10 units.

10. No person whose name appears in the catalogue list of officers of
instruction and administration of the University, and who receives remuneration
therefrom, shall be a member of any athletic team representing the University.

11. It shall be the duty of the President of the Athletic Association, the
Executive Committee of that Association, the Manager and the Captain of the
team concerned, the Director of the Gymnasium, the Associate Director of
Athletics, and the Treasurer of the Association, to furnish, on request, a statement
to the effect that each member of an athletic team is above their suspicion
as to his eligibility to represent the University as a proper amateur player,
before such player shall be allowed to take part in any contest.

12. No "coach," not an alumnus, and no "trainer," not an officer of the
University, shall be employed for the purpose of instructing or training any
athletic team in this university.[1]

13. The Faculty Committee on Athletics is authorized and instructed to
establish a maximum period after which a player on a team representing any
branch of athletic sport at this or any other university or college shall be
eligible to become a member of any athletic team of this university.

14. The Faculty Committee on Athletics is directed to assume responsible
charge of the details of the athletic situation and to permit the playing of
intercollegiate games with such colleges only as express a general conformity
with the code of rules adopted by this faculty.


Page 291

15. The members of any athletic team may be allowed not more than
eight days' leave of absence from the University for the purpose of engaging in
athletic contests; but no student who is a member of more than one athletic
team shall be allowed more than sixteen days' leave of absence during the entire
session for such purpose.

16. The football team is permitted to play games only on the home
grounds of one of the contestants, with the exception of the Thanksgiving Day
game with the University of North Carolina in Richmond, which may be continued
until such time as can be agreed upon by the authorities of the Universities
of North Carolina and Virginia.[2]


The Faculty Committee on Athletics may permit the employment of coaches
other than alumni for a period not exceeding two weeks for any one individual
during any one season. But in no case shall such coach be in responsible charge
of the team.


Passed by the General Faculty, December 3, 1914.


1. "Training Tables" for football, baseball, and track teams are hereby

2. No student of this university shall be eligible for any athletic team who
shall have played upon, or been a member or substitute member of, any of the
professional or league teams named in Classes A, B, C, and D, in the publication
of the American Sports Company.

To the list of professional teams thus prescribed shall be added all league
teams in any State or States, which the leading university of such State or States
declares professional, and from which it debars its own players.

3. The term "college" as used in the Faculty Regulations concerning
Athletics is hereby interpreted to mean any college named in Table 28 of the
Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education of 1902, which has not less
than 150 male students of at least collegiate grade recorded in the catalogue
of the institution in question as students of the session preceding the applicant's
entrance into this university.

In case such catalogue fails to distinguish between students of collegiate and
preparatory grade, the president of the college concerned shall be requested to
render or to authorize an official decision as to the number of students of each
grade enrolled in said college.

4. The term "substitute" is interpreted to mean a student who has taken
part in an intercollegiate contest.

5. The term "general conformity," as used in the Faculty Regulations, is
interpreted by the Faculty to mean conformity in regard to period of residence,
maximum period of eligibility, and amateur standing.

6. The maximum period of eligibility for baseball and football shall be
four years. In estimating the period of eligibility the years of baseball and football
shall both be taken into account; but in no case shall a player be charged
with four years' athletic work, unless at least four calendar years have elapsed
from time he entered upon his first intercollegiate contest, omitting from the
calculation any sessional intermission by non-attendance.

In case the player does not participate in either baseball or football during
a college session, such session shall not be counted, but if such player does play
on either the baseball or the football team during any intermediate session, this
shall count as if the player had played on both teams during such session.


Page 292



(To serve until Final Day, June, 1916.)

Senate Office Bldg., Washington, D. C. 
DR. HUGH H. YOUNG  First Vice-President 
Professional Bldg., Baltimore, Md. 
HON. H. SNOWDEN MARSHALL  Second Vice-President 
U. S. District Attorney, Postoffice Bldg., New York. 
LEWIS D. CRENSHAW  Secretary-Treasurer 
University, Va. 

Executive Committee.

Dr. Thomas V. Williamson, 411 Taylor Bldg., Norfolk, Va., Chairman.

William H. Echols, University, Va.

Dr. Joseph B. Dunn, St. Paul's Church, Lynchburg, Va.

Dr. William E. Dold, 616 Madison Ave., New York City.

Goodrich Hatton, Portsmouth, Va.

Murray M. McGuire, Mutual Bldg., Richmond, Va.

Benjamin S. Minor, Colorado Bldg., Washington, D. C.


1. Alexandria.—Gardner L. Boothe, President; J. Randall Caton,
Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 29.

2. Amherst and Nelson Counties.—J. W. Foster, President
(Schuyler); C. L. Scott, Vice-President (Amherst); Stickley Tucker,
Secretary and Treasurer (Amherst). Membership, 21.

3. Bedford County.—J. Lawrence Campbell, President; E. C. Burks,
Secretary and Treasurer (Bedford City). Membership, 23.

4. Charlottesville and Albemarle County.—Geo. R. B. Michie, President;
John T. Antrim, Vice-President; Albert S. Bolling, Secretary and
Treasurer. Membership, 66.

5. Danville.—Dr. W. L. Robinson, President; D. Price Withers, Vice-President;
C. G. Holland, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 21.

6. Eastern Shore.—Dr. John W. Bowdoin, President (Bloxam):
Thomas B. Robertson, Secretary and Treasurer (Eastville). Membership,


Page 293

7. Elizabeth City County.—Dr. George K. Vanderslice, President
(Phœbus); Hon. Sidney J. Dudley, Vice-President (Hampton); Hon. C.
Vernon Spratley, Secretary and Treasurer (Hampton). Membership, 12.

8. Fauquier County.—Col. Thomas Smith, President (Warrenton);
George L. Fletcher, Secretary and Treasurer (Warrenton). Membership,

9. Fredericksburg.—Judge A. W. Wallace, President; Dr. S. L.
Scott, Vice-President; B. P. Willis, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership,

10. Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.—John T. Harris, President;
Capt. John Paul, Vice-President; Geo. S. Harnsberger, Secretary
and Treasurer (Harrisonburg). Membership, 57.

11. Lynchburg.—Randolph Harrison, President; James E. Edmunds,
Vice-President; J. Dillard Jennings, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership,

12. Madison and Green Counties.—Hon. N. B. Early, President
(Dawsonville); A. W. Kinsey, Vice-President; Hon. John S. Chapman,
Secretary and Treasurer (Standardsville). Membership, 21.

13. Newport News.—John I. Viney, President; Dr. J. W. Ayler, Vice-President;
F. H. Skinner, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 34.

14. Norfolk and Portsmouth.—Dr. Charles T. Parrish, President; Dr.
Thomas V. Williamson, Vice-President; Herbert Cochran, Treasurer;
Charles S. Grant, Secretary (332 Law Bldg., Norfolk). Membership, 160.

15. Northern Neck.—R. Carter Wellford, President (Warsaw);
Thomas J. Downing, Vice-President (Lancaster Courthouse); Asa S.
Rice, Secretary and Treasurer (Heathsville). Membership not reported.

16. Orange County.—Capt. P. P. Barbour, President (Gordonsville);
H. T. Holladay, Vice-President; V. R. Shackelford, Secretary and Treasurer
(Orange). Membership, 20.

17. Petersburg.—T. S. Beckwith, President; Richard T. Wilson, Vice-President;
H. D. Wolff, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 44.

18. Richmond.—A. B. Guigon, President (Va. Ry. & Power Bldg.);
Lewis D. Aylett, Vice-President (Travelers Bldg.); J. Garnett Nelson,
Second Vice-President (317 Harrison St.); Leland L. Miller, Secretary and
Treasurer (802 Travelers Bldg.). Membership, 255.

19. Roanoke.—D. W. Persinger, President; James Bear, Treasurer;
J. C. Martin, Secretary (Terry Bldg.). Membership, 55.

20. Russell County.—J. C. Gilmer, President (Lebanon); J. G.
Johnson, Secretary and Treasurer (Charlottesville). Membership, 10.

21. Shenandoah County.— —, President; E. E. Stickley,
Vice-President; E. B. Wunder, Secretary and Treasurer (Woodstock).
Membership, 21.


Page 294

22. Staunton and Augusta County.—Alexander F. Robertson, President;
Charles Catlett, Vice-President; W. A. Pratt, Secretary and
Treasurer. Membership, 20.

23. Tidewater.—Judge A. Brown Evans, President (Church View);
James M. Lewis, Secretary and Treasurer (Miller's Tavern). Membership,

24. Washington County.—George E. Penn, President (Abingdon);
John J. Stuart, Vice-President (Abingdon); M. H. Honaker, Secretary and
Treasurer (Abingdon). Membership, 20.

25. Winchester.—Hon T. W. Harrison, President; R. Gray Williams,
Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 51.

26. Wythe County.—E. Lee Trinkle, President (Wytheville); W. P.
Kent, Vice-President; Robert Sayers, Secretary and Treasurer (Wytheville).
Membership, 22.


1. Atlanta, Ga.—H. A. Alexander, President (47 N. Pryor St.);
W. O. Wilson, Secretary and Treasurer (Atlanta National Bank Bldg.).
Membership, 50.

2. Birmingham, Ala.—Gen. R. D. Johnson, President (1721 S. 12th
Ave.); M. Blair Dickinson, Secretary and Treasurer (1606 S. 12th Ave.).
Membership, 54.

3. Brazos Co. (Texas).—T. R. Battle, President (Bryan); Oscar M.
Ball, Vice-President (College Station); Horace E. Hayden, Secretary and
Treasurer (College Station). Membership, 13.

4. Central Kentucky.—Rev. Robert K. Massie, President (Lexington);
Dr. Charles S. Brent, Vice-President (Lexington); Dr. Thos. B.
McCartney, Secretary and Treasurer (Lexington). Membership, 40.

5. Charleston, S. C.—Earle Sloan, President (Broad St.); John
Marshall, Vice-President (Broad St.); A. Burnett Rhett, Secretary and
Treasurer (48 Elizabeth St.). Membership, 25.

6. Charleston-Kanawha, W. Va.—D. C. Gallaher, President; Berkeley
Minor, Jr., Vice-President; Graham C. Painter, Secretary and Treasurer.
Membership, 34.

7. Charlotte, N. C.—F. B. McDowell, President; Thomas W. Wade,
Vice-President; John Hill Tucker, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership,

8. Chattanooga, Tenn.—John Roy Baylor, President (Baylor School);
John T. Lupton, Vice-President; Nathan L. Bachman, Secretary (711
Douglas St.); William A. Martin, Treasurer. Membership, 22.


Page 295

9. Chicago, Ill.—Dr. Geo. B. Young, President (City Hall); Hon.
Blewett Lee, Vice-President (135 East 11th Place); Dr. A. H. Lueders,
Secretary and Treasurer (1900 Lincoln Ave.). Membership, 15.

10. China.—Rev. H. M. Woods, President (Whaianfu); Dr. Geo. C.
Worth, Vice-President (Kiangyin); Dr. E. L. Woodward, Secretary and
Treasurer (Gankin). Membership, 16.

11. Colorado (Denver).—Judge Julius C. Gunter, President (1365
Josephine St. (Denver); William B. Harrison, Vice-President (Denver);
Mason A. Lewis, Treasurer; John A. Ritter, Jr., Secretary (Colorado
Springs). Membership, 38.

12. Columbia, S. C.—Christie Benet, President (Exchange Bldg.); R.
Beverley Sloan, Secretary and Treasurer (Palmetto Bldg.). Membership,

13. Columbia, Tenn.—Dr. William A. Smith, President (7 School
St.); H. A. Brown, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 22.

14. Delaware.—Maj. William G. Ramsay, President (Wilmington,
Del.); Hamilton M. Barksdale, Vice-President (Wilmington, Del.); Wills
Johnson, Secretary and Treasurer (Wilmington, Del.). Membership, 28.

15. Eastern Pan Handle, W. Va.—James M. Mason, Jr., President
(Charles Town); J. Edward Burns, Vice-President; Dr. Charles C. Lucas,
Secretary and Treasurer (Kearneysville). Membership, 17.

16. Fort Worth, Texas.—Harvey B. Herd, President; Lee B. Slanter,
Vice-President; Isaac A. Winn, Treasurer; W. R. Edrington, Secretary.
Membership, 10.

17. Greensboro, N. C.—Dr. John A. Williams, President; Alfred S.
Wyllie, Vice-President; W. A. H. Gantt, Secretary and Treasurer, Membership,

18. Hopkinsville, Ky.—Dr. Austin Bell, President; Dr. L. A. Tate,
Vice-President; Frank D. Trice, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 12.

19. Huntington, W. Va.—Dr. John D. Myers, President; E. Morgan
Watts, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 15.

20. Huntsville, Ala.—Col. W. W. Garth, President; Harry M. Rhett,
Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 20.

21. Kansas City, Mo.—Judge Andrew F. Evans, President; Judge
Joseph A. Guthrie, Vice-President; Roy B. Thomson, Secretary and
Treasurer. Membership, 16.

22. Knoxville, Tenn.—L. M. G. Baker, President; J. Pike Powers,
Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 20.

23. Lewisburg, W. Va.—Thomas H. Dennis, President; H. A.
Mathews, Vice-President; S. N. Pace, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership,


Page 296

24. Los Angeles, Cal.—Thomas S. Hastings, President (1000 Central
Bldg.); Alfred T. Brant, Vice-President (3131 South Figueroa St.);
Mark H. Slosson, Secretary and Treasurer (Wright and Callender Bldg.).
Membership, 26.

25. Louisiana.—W. Catesby Jones, President (New Orleans); Leigh
Carroll, Vice-President (New Orleans); John J. McCloskey, Secretary and
Treasurer (317 Carondelet St., New Orleans). Membership, 54.

26. Louisville, Ky.—Judge Alexander P. Humphrey, President (Realty
Bldg.); Owsley Brown, Vice-President; Bodley Booker, Treasurer;
George L. Burton, Secretary (Inter-Southern Bldg.). Membership, 125.

27. Maryland (Baltimore).—Dr. David M. R. Culbreth, President
(1307 N. Calvert St.); Gaylord Lee Clark, Vice-President (1407 Continental
Bldg.); J. Mercer Garnett, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer (1239
Calvert Bldg.). Membership, 88.

28. Memphis, Tenn.—Hon. H. Dent Minor, President (1006 Exchange
Bldg.); Samuel P. Walker, Vice-President (800 Memphis Trust
Bldg.); T. Roane Waring, Treasurer (Memphis Trust Bldg.); Roy C.
Moyston, Secretary (1303 Central Bank Bldg.). Membership, 48.

29. Monongahela Valley.—Howard N. Ogden, President (Fairmont,
W. Va.); Mortimer W. Smith, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. Membership,

30. Nashville, Tenn.—Prof. Clarence B. Wallace, President; Bishop
Collins Denny, Vice-President; Bradley Walker, Secretary and Treasurer.
Membership not reported.

31. New England.—Prof. Lewis F. Hite, President (42 Arlington
St., Cambridge, Mass.); A. Stuart Walker, Vice-President (205 Ocean
St., Lynn, Mass.); John T. Hancock, Secretary and Treasurer (234
Congress St., Boston, Mass.). Membership, 19.

32. New York City.—Dr. Wm. E. Dold, President (616 Madison
Ave.); John P. East, First Vice-President (30 Broad St.); Junius Pendleton
Wilson, Second Vice-President (302 Broadway); Felix A. Jenkins,
Secretary and Treasurer (165 Broadway). Membership, 222.

33. Oklahoma.—Samuel W. Hayes, President (Oklahoma City);
Preston C. West, Vice-President (Washington, D. C.); M. S. Gleason,
Secretary and Treasurer (Oklahoma City). Membership, 19.

34. Pennsylvania.—Prof. Gaetano Lanza, President (63d and Oxford
Sts., Phila.); Samuel Porcher, Vice-President (Broad St. Station, Phila.);
Dr. W. W. Hawke, Treasurer (218 S. 16th St., Phila.); John Marshall,
Secretary (807 Madison St., Chester). Membership, 20.

35. St. Louis, Mo.—Hon. Shepherd Barclay, President (214 N. 6th
St.); John F. Lee, Vice-President; Cary N. Weisiger, Secretary and
Treasurer (411 Olive St.). Membership, 83.


Page 297

36. San Antonio, Texas.—Judge R. B. Minor, President (301 Hinsache
Ave.); Judge S. J. Brooks, Vice-President (225 Crofton Ave.);
Ferdinand Groos, Treasurer (818 Commerce St.); A. W. Houston, Jr.,
Secretary (303 Pecan St.). Membership, 12.

37. San Francisco, Cal.—Justice W. H. Beatty, President; —
Membership, 10.

38. Tyler (East Texas Chapter).—Hampson Gary, President; Harry
McKay, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 10.

39. Vicksburg, Miss.—Edward M. Moore, President; Frank H.
Andrews, Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 21.

40. Washington, D. C.—Alfred P. Thom, President (Southern Ry.
Bldg.); Col. J. R. Kean, First Vice-President (War Dept. Bldg.); J.
Miller Kenyon, Second Vice-President (Evans Bldg.); William H.
Saunders, Treasurer (Southern Bldg.); Richard D. Micou, Secretary
(1410 H. St.). Membership, 50.

41. Washington (State).—Hon. Eugene R. West, President (Seattle);
John D. Fletcher, Vice-President (Tacoma); Geo. P. Fishburne, Secretary
and Treasurer (California Bldg., Tacoma). Membership, 14.

42. West Central Alabama—H. O. Murfee, President (Marion); Dr.
Sidney T. Whitfield, Vice-President (Union Town); T. C. Carter, Jr.,
Secretary and Treasurer. Membership, 12.

43. Western North Carolina.—Rt. Rev. James M. Horner, President
(Asheville); Judge Benjamin F. Long, Vice-President (Statesville); D.
Hiden Ramsey, Secretary and Treasurer (Asheville). Membership not

For Alumni Scholarships, see p. 116. For holders of Alumni Scholarships
for 1914-1915, see p. 74.


Page 298


Incorporated in October, 1907, the Colonnade Club was formed to
encourage social intercourse among the members of the Faculty and
alumni of the University, especially among the members of the Faculty.
This latter body had so increased in numbers that the desirability of having
some common meeting-place, some social centre, where all could informally
gather, was recognized. The value of the club for this purpose
is established. The club occupies Pavilion VII, West Lawn.

At this writing, the resident membership, about 100 in number, includes
all the administrative officers, and nearly all the teaching staff,
together with a number of local alumni and friends of the University.

One of the club's most significant features is its non-resident membership,
now numbering over 800 and including many distinguished names.
Nearly 400 live in Virginia, the remainder being dwellers in 42 states, as
also in countries distant 6,000 to 10,000 miles. This non-resident membership
makes, probably, the most effective alumni organization that the University
has ever had. Practically the entire fund provided by the dues
of the non-resident members is used for the benefit of the alumni and the
University. The addition of the "Alumni Annex," materially contributes
to making the club the centre of the alumni-life of the University, and
provides a commodious, attractive, and comfortable building, with chambers
sufficient, ordinarily, to accommodate all returning alumni, where they
will be sure of a welcome. The rooms will be ready for use without formality
and with or without notice (rate, $1 a day, including light, heat,
attendance, and use of bath). Through the club's influence, more alumni
are revisiting the University than ever before, both singly and in class
reunions. The club is also proving useful as a headquarters for visiting
educators and other influential university visitors. Because it is one of
the club's most important functions to help the widely scattered alumni
to keep in closer touch with their Alma Mater and with each other, the club
publishes fortnightly, during the college year, the University of Virginia
Alumni News.
Subscription price is $2 a year. The club's non-resident
dues are $4 a year, which include a year's subscription to the News; or
this rate may be commuted to $25 for ten years or $50 for life.

The present officers are: Thomas W. Page, President; Howard
Winston, Treasurer; Russell Bradford, Secretary.


Page 299



Abbreviations.—c, College; e, Engineering; l, Law; m, Medicine; g,

Abbitt, M. A. 
Abbitt, W. H. 
Abbot, J. L. 
Abbot, W. R., IV 
Adams, D. S. 
Adams, R. D. 
Adams, Thos. J. 
Adams, W. A. 
Adams, W. S. 
Akers, E. C. 
Albert, R. E. 
Alden, H. L. 
Alexander, J. C. 
All, Wm. L. 
Allen, Chas. R. 
Amonette, H. L. 
Amos, Chester A. 
Anderson, E. C.  e & c 
Anderson, G. W., Jr. 
Anderson, R. D. 
Anderson, W. D. 
Andrews, E. L. 
Arant, R. C. 
Arant, W. D. 
Archer, A. P. 
Archer, V. W. 
Armentrout, D. R. 
Armstrong, A. G. 
Ashburn, Horace G. 
Astor, L. 
Atkinson, B. A. 
Ayers, John T. 
Babcock, E. C. 
Baer, L. H. 
Bagby, C. T., Jr. 
Bailey, B. F. 
Bain, R. F. 
Baker, E. M. 
Baker, E. P. 
Balch, H. H. 
Ball, W. L. 
Balthis, T. A. 
Banigan, J. J. 
Banks, J. B. 
Barclay, E. H. 
Barclay, J. P. 
Barker, R. A. 
Barksdale, A. D. 
Barnwell, J. D. 
Barr, F. S. 
Barron, J. W. 
Barsby, J. E. 
Barth, T. N. 
Barton, G. L., Jr. 
Barton, J. M., Jr. 
Barton, Lewis, N. 
Batterham, W. F. 
Battle, H. W., Jr. 
Baylor, John 
Beach, W. H. 
Beacham, B. B. 
Beale, F. D. 
Beard, R. E.  c & e 
Beasley, H. C. 
Behlem, C. H. 
Bell, H. M. 
Bell, H. O. 
Bell, R. W. 
Bemiss, S. M. 
Benckenstein, L. J. 
Benedict, C. J. 
Bennett, S. C. 


Page 300
Benson, R. L. 
Berkeley, N. 
Bernstein, S. 
Berry, R. C. 
Bethea, M. E. 
Bettis, L. M. 
Betts, T. J. 
Bidgood, C. Y. 
Biern, O. B. 
Bigger, I. A., Jr. 
Binder, R. D. 
Bishop, J. H. 
Bitting, S. T. 
Bivins, A. L. 
Black, B. F. 
Blackford, L. M. 
Blackmar, J. B. 
Bland, W. M. 
Block, M. L. 
Blount, R. 
Bocock, J. H. 
Bodine, R. H. 
Bolling, D. T. 
Bomar, J. E. 
Bongiorno, P. J. 
Booker, B. D. 
Booth, W. H. K. 
Bopes, C. F. 
Boswell, W. K., Jr. 
Bowers, L. G. 
Bowers, S. E. 
Boyd, A. R.  l & g 
Bradway, F. W. 
Brady, J. S. 
Branner, G. L. 
Brent, C. H. 
Brent, G. W. 
Brewer, A. J. 
Bridgforth, Allen 
Briggs, G. B. 
Bristow, A. B. 
Broadwater, E. B. 
Brodix, T. C. 
Bronaugh, R. L. 
Broocks, E. B. 
Brophy, E. S. 
Brown, A. J. T.  c & e 
Brown, C. M. 
Brown, E. P. 
Brown, J. G. 
Brown, J. R. 
Brown, P. F. 
Brown, W. M. 
Browne, E. T. 
Bruce, T. M. 
Brumback, L. H. 
Brumer, S. 
Bryson, S. Z., Jr. 
Buckner, F. 
Bullitt, J. F., Jr. 
Burkhead, J. D. 
Burnett, L. D. 
Burruss, H. M. 
Burton, L. G. 
Butcher, R. G. 
Butts, E. S. 
Byrne, G. A. 
Cabell, H. F. 
Calhoun, J. C. 
Callaway, P. H. 
Calvert, G. R. 
Cameron, Neil 
Camm, Frank 
Camm, John, Jr. 
Campbell, C. W. 
Campbell, Gilbert S. 
Carroll, C. C. 
Carroll, G. C. 
Carter, B. N. 
Carter, G. L. 
Carter, H. L.  l & g 
Carter, J. G. 
Carter, R. H. 
Cash, Harold 
Cash, J. R. 
Cates, C. C. 
Chandler, C. H., Jr. 
Chapman, N. D. 
Chauncey, J. E. 
Cheesman, G. W. 


Page 301
Cherry, R. H. 
Chou, M. Y. 
Church, H. L.  l & g 
Clark, Lewis 
Cleaton, T. L. 
Cline, J. H. 
Cockrell, Nathan 
Cohn, David 
Colbern, W. H., Jr.  e & c 
Cole, C. S., II 
Coleman, F. A., Jr. 
Coleman, H. W. 
Coleman, T. G. 
Collins, S. Q., Jr. 
Compton, H. T. 
Conyers, P. L. 
Cook, R. S. 
Cooke, C. W. 
Cooley, A. E. 
Copp, C. C. 
Copp, F. A.  m & c 
Covington, G. E. 
Cowan, J. A., Jr. 
Cowardin, H. A. 
Cox, C. N. 
Cox, R. F. 
Coxe, J. W., Jr. 
Crawford, D. H. 
Crawford, J. W. 
Crenshaw, S. D., IV 
Cronly, J. H. 
Cronly, R. D., Jr. 
Crosby, F. S. 
Crovat, P. S. 
Crowder, E. K. 
Currell, J. E. 
Currie, W. E. 
Cyr, J. A. 
Dale, J. R., Jr. 
Dancy, F. B., Jr. 
Darden, C. W., Jr. 
Davenport, J. H., Jr. 
Davenport, J. S. 
Davidson, F. G. 
Davies, F. W. 
Davis, A. K., Jr. 
Decker, H. W.  m & c 
Denny, R. E. 
Dickerson, R. B. 
Dickey, N. F. 
Didlake, T. E. 
Dillard, P. G. 
Dimmock, M. S. 
Dingledine, W. K. 
Dittrich, A. C. 
Dixon, F. M. 
Dixon, G. G. 
Dodson, W. B. 
Dorsey, E. G., Jr. 
Douglas, A. T. 
Dowdey, L. A. 
Driscoll, J. P. 
Drummond, H. C. 
Ducker, H. L. 
Duff, James 
Duff, J. E. 
Duffie, B. C., Jr. 
Duke, W. E. 
Duncan, C. T., Jr. 
Dunham, W. B. 
Dunlop, D., Jr. 
Dunlop, J. M. 
Dunnington, J. H. 
Durrance, C. M. 
DuVal, J. T. 
Duval, N. E. 
DuVal, T. E., Jr. 
Dyer, E. L. 
Early, R. N. 
Easterwood, H. W. 
Echols, O. P. 
Eckford, J. I. 
Edmunds, B. P. 
Edmonds, J. W., Jr. 
Edwards, J. G. 
Eggleston, T. L., Jr. 
Ehrman, A. R. 
Ehrman, C. D. 
Eichelberger, E. C. 
Emmett, R., Jr. 


Page 302
Enos, C. R. 
Eskew, M. H. 
Evans, J. A. 
Evans, P. R. 
Ewell, J. R. 
Ewing, W. Chas. 
Ezzell, Harry, Jr. 
Faris, J. E. 
Farish, J. D. 
Farrar, I. D. S. 
Farrell, H. E., Jr. 
Farrow, J. B. 
Fass, A. L. 
Faulkner, D. M. 
Faulkner, W. C. 
Ferebee, H. 
Ferguson, J. M. 
Fetzer, P. W. 
Field, E. R. 
Field, O. E. 
Finter, C. V. 
Fitchett, M. S. 
Fite, F. B., Jr. 
Fite, W. P. 
Fitzgerald, D. J. 
FitzHugh, M. M. 
Fitz-Hugh, T., Jr.  m & c 
Flaherty, R. W. 
Flanagan, W. W. 
Fleming, C. C. 
Flint, W. R. 
Flynn, L. B. 
Font, August, Jr. 
Fontaine, A. W. 
Forbes, R. C. 
Ford, J. R. 
Ford, R. S. 
Forrest, H. C. 
Fortna, C. B. 
Foshee, A. M. 
Foster, F. L. 
Foster, R. M. 
Foster, S. M. 
Fowler, D. W. 
Fowlkes, J. W., Jr. 
Fowlkes, R. J. 
France, D. C. 
Francis, R. J. 
Freeland, J. M. 
Freeman, J. B. 
Frère, J. M. 
Frère, T. F. 
Frey, W. H., Jr. 
Fuller, F. L., Jr. 
Funsten, R. V. 
Funsten, S. R.  e & c 
Gage, L. G. 
Gaines, J. P. 
Gaither, R. B. 
Galleher, W. C., Jr. 
Gammon, F. A. 
Gannaway, A. C. 
Gannaway, M. W. 
Garrett, S. G. 
Garvey, W. A. 
Gauldin, J. D. 
Gearing, F. W. 
Geiger, V. G. 
Gentry, C. E. 
George, J. H. 
Gibbons, R. A. 
Gibbs, R. S. 
Giddings, C. G. 
Gillespie, G. Y., Jr. 
Gillette, J. T. 
Gilliam, C. E. 
Gilliam, R. M. 
Gilmore, G. B. 
Gingles, H. J. 
Gish, A. S. 
Gish, B. A. 
Glascock, B. R. 
Glennan, W. S. 
Golden, T. E., Jr. 
Gompers, W. J. 
Gooch, L. M. 
Gooch, R. K. 
Goodman, S. A. 
Goodman, W. D. 
Goodrich, E. 


Page 303
Goodwyn, W. C. 
Gordin, A. E. 
Gordon, J. L. 
Gortatowsky, Dave 
Graham, P. H. 
Graham, S. A., Jr. 
Grant, B. E. 
Grant, D. W. 
Gravatt, C. M. 
Graves, J. S.  l & g 
Gray, J. K. 
Gray, W. M. 
Graybeal, G. H.  g & e 
Greear, J. N., Jr. 
Green, Berryman, Jr. 
Green, J. H. 
Green, J. H. 
Greene, D. G. 
Griffith, C. M., Jr. 
Griffith, G. S. 
Grimball, G. E. 
Groseclose, H. F. 
Ground, J. W., Jr.  c & l 
Grove, G. H.  m & c 
Grove, J. P. 
Gruver, D. C. 
Guerard, J. M. 
Guild, S. M. 
Gunby, J. K. 
Gundry, J. P. 
Guthrie, R. E. 
Guynn, R. F. 
Gwathmey, H. H. 
Gwathmey, R. B. 
Gwinn, G. E. 
Hafter, J. S.  l & c 
Hall, E. H. 
Hall, F. C. 
Hall, H. W. 
Hall, R. E. 
Hall, W. H., Jr. 
Halliday, T. D. 
Hamblin, D. O. 
Hamer, F. C. 
Hamilton, R. P., Jr. 
Hanau, K. J. N. 
Hancock, G. A. 
Hanger, F. M., Jr. 
Haralson, M. F. 
Hardie, J. G. 
Harman, S. K. 
Harmon, D., Jr. 
Harmon, F. M. 
Harmon, F. S. 
Harper, C. N. 
Harper, E. B. 
Harris, J. W., Jr. 
Harris, W. M. 
Harrison, J. L. 
Harrison, J. P., Jr. 
Harrison, R. C. 
Harryman, W. K. 
Hart, S. J. 
Hartje, G. F. 
Harvin, J. R. 
Harwell, G. L. 
Harwell, W. D., Jr. 
Hathaway, H. G. 
Haux, E. H. 
Hawthorne, A. T. 
Hazelgrove, G. B. 
Hazlegrove, W. P. 
Head, J. M., II 
Heizer, J. B., Jr. 
Hemphill, E. S. 
Henderson, Charles 
Henderson, J. R. 
Hendrickson, D. W. 
Hess, L. E. 
Hiden, R. B. 
Hildreth, E. F. 
Hill, J. F. 
Hines, Frank 
Hinton, J. W. 
Hipp, E. R. 
Hirst, V. B. 
Hodges, C. E. 
Hodgson, H. C. 
Holland, A. J. A. 
Hollingsworth, E. W. 


Page 304
Holloway, J. W., Jr. 
Holt, R. P. 
Holt, S. P. 
Horton, B. T. 
Horwitz, J. F. 
Howard, H. H. 
Howard, J. M., Jr. 
Howard, K. W.  m & g 
Howell, C. W. 
Howze, C. P. 
Hudson, E. M. 
Hudson, J. M. 
Hughes, L. W. 
Hughes, M. H. 
Hurt, E. C., Jr. 
Hurt, J. M., Jr. 
Hutter, C. S., Jr. 
Hutter, E. W. 
Hyde, F. J., Jr. 
Hyde, L. W. 
Ingle, J. A. 
Inness-Brown, H. A.  l & c 
Irving, A. D. 
Jabaut, S. W. 
Jackson, R. B. 
Jacob, C. H. 
Jacobs, I. W. 
Jamison, J. A. 
Jarman, A. M. 
Jarman, B. L. 
Jefferson, P. G.  l & c 
Jefferson, W. R. 
Jenkins, C. E. 
Jenkins, J. S., Jr. 
Jennings, D. C. 
John, B. S. 
John, B. W. 
Johnson, H. P. 
Johnston, O. L. 
Jones, J. T. 
Jones, K. S. 
Jones, L. C. 
Jones, L. M. 
Jones, M. E. 
Jones, P. M. 
Jones, S. B. 
Jones, V. A. 
Jones, W. A., Jr. 
Jordon, C. W. 
Kash, J. D. 
Keiger, J. A. 
Keith, A. A. M. 
Kellam, J. M. 
Kelly, L. W. 
Kemeny, G. 
Kern, H. M. 
Kerr, Jas. 
Keyser, R. L. C. 
Killmon, L. H. 
King, J. F. 
Kinloch, R. A. 
Kinney, C. L., Jr. 
Kinsey, W. W. 
Kinsolving, A. B., II 
Kinsolving, C. McI. 
Knight, L. M. 
Knight, R. E., Jr. 
Kremer, P. S. 
Kubach, O. C. 
Lacy, J. H., Jr. 
Lamb, R. C. 
Landon, G. K. 
Lane, W. P., Jr. 
Laurens, R. 
LaRowe, H. E. 
Lawrence, J. S. 
Lawrence, J. S. 
Leach, H. 
Leathem, J. C. 
Lee, J. K. M. 
Lehman, E. L. 
Levine, I. L. 
Lightner, G. H. 
Lin, K. Z. 
Little, W. R. 
Livesay, C. P. 
Loar, F. S. 
Locke, J. R. 
Lockhart, J. W. 
Long, T. B. 


Page 305
Lowman, O. B. 
Luck, J. M. 
Luck, T. S. 
Lunger, H. J. 
Lunsford, Chas., Jr. 
Lyle, G. W., Jr. 
Lyon, G. T. 
McCall, J. E., Jr. 
McCandlish, H. S., Jr. 
McClintic, J. H. 
McCormack, M. J. 
McCormick, C. O. 
McCormick, K. K. 
McCoy, H. 
McCracken, M. S. 
McCue, H. M. 
McCue, S. O. 
McCutchen, C. B. 
McDonald, M. 
McGinley, P. J. 
McGroarty, S. P. 
McGuire, H. H. 
McHugh, J. G. 
McIlwaine, W. B., III  m & g 
McIver, M. A. 
McKenny, R. A. 
McKinney, S. A. 
McNaughton, J. A. 
McNeill, G. P., Jr. 
McNeill, W.  e & c 
McVey, H. W. 
McWhorter, A. T. 
McWhorter, R. L. 
MacCarter, H. L. 
Macdonald, A. S. 
Macdonald, R., Jr. 
Mackall, W. W., Jr. 
Mackey, R. D.  m & c 
Maloney, W. T. 
Maphis, E. W. 
Marable, J. E. 
Marks, W. P., Jr. 
Marshall, A. B. 
Marshall, H. A. 
Martin, F. E. 
Martin, H. A. 
Martin, H. G. 
Martin, J. C. 
Mason, A. S. 
Mason, C. H. 
Mason, J. B. 
Massie, F. M. 
Massie, W. J. 
Matthews, W. C. 
Maupin, W. L., Jr. 
Maxey, M. A. 
Maxim, A. S. 
Mayer, E. N. 
Meares, W. B., Jr. 
Medlin, J. L. 
Mekeel, B. VanC. 
Mellin, C. E. 
Meredith, B. 
Merrill, E. De W. 
Messick, A. S. 
Meyer, A. H. 
Meyer, A. L. 
Michie, T. J., Jr. 
Miller, E. B. 
Miller, G. C. 
Mills, J. S. 
Milton, G. F., Jr. 
Minor, John 
Moncure, Powhatan 
Monroe, J. S. 
Montague, E. S. 
Montague, R. L. 
Montfort, B. 
Moore, C. 
Moore, E. N. 
Moore, J. H. 
Moore, O. W. 
Moore, R. L. 
Moran, W. G., Jr. 
Morehead, J. L. 
Morgan, H. N. 
Morris, C. H. 
Morris, H. P. 
Morton, A. W. 
Morton, R. L. 


Page 306
Moss, W. R. M. 
Moulton, S. C. 
Munson, N. B. 
Murphy, J. Hugh  l & c 
Myers, Barton, Jr. 
Nachman, H. L. 
Nalle, J. M. 
Neff, E. E. 
Neff, H. H. 
Nelson, A. H. 
Nesbitt, C. R. 
Newell, L. G. 
Newman, Parsons 
Nickels, W. H., Jr. 
Nicoll, De L., Jr. 
Niedringhaus, M. W. 
Noehren, A. G. 
Nolde, H. A. 
Norfleet, W. J., Jr. 
Norris, H. J. 
Nusbaum, B. S. 
O'Brien, I. K. 
Ogg, L. C. 
Oglesby, E. J. 
Olmstead, H. B. 
O'Neill, J. B. 
Orlady, G. P. 
Owens, J. R. 
Page, R. C. M. 
Pagenstecher, G. A. 
Painter, H. L. 
Palmer, S. A. 
Pankey, A. V. 
Parker, R. H. 
Parker, W. L. 
Parkman, E. M. 
Parrish, H. C. 
Parrish, W. J., Jr. 
Parsons, J. W., Jr. 
Parsons, R. S. 
Paschall, J. R. 
Pate, W. R. 
Patterson, J. R., Jr. 
Payne, D. D. 
Payne, F. W. 
Payne, H. A. 
Payne, P. M. 
Peebles, J. K., Jr. 
Peebles, T. L. 
Pemberton, J. C. 
Penn, Carleton 
Percy, Alfonso 
Perry, W. P. C. 
Petty, C. L. 
Peyser, T. D. 
Phillips, J. B. 
Phillips, L. L. 
Phillips, W. L. 
Phipps, W. McK. 
Pidgeon, F. C. 
Pidgeon, J. E. 
Porter, A. W. 
Pott, W. H. 
Pound, R. E. 
Powers, D. P. 
Powers, S. E. 
Prevatt, P. G. 
Price, E. C. 
Price, V. L. 
Prieur, W. L., Jr. 
Pritchett, H. W. 
Pugh, H. L. 
Purvis, E. G. 
Quarles, J. R. 
Quinn, R. M. 
Ramsey, O. P. 
Randolph, S. W. 
Reaves, R. G. 
Rector, C. W. 
Reedy, G. C. 
Reynolds, B. D. 
Reynolds, C. P. 
Reynolds, R. R. 
Rhodes, P. T. 
Rich, Arnold 
Richardson, R. R. 
Richmond, E. D. 
Riddle, LeRoy B. 
Ridout, John 
Riggs, C. H. 


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Ritchie, T. C. 
Rives, J. H., Jr. 
Rixey, J. B. 
Rixey, W. W. 
Robertson, H. M. 
Robertson, J. F. 
Robertson, J. H. 
Robertson, R. A. 
Rogers, G. M. 
Rogers, W. H. 
Roller, F. O. 
Rollins, C. B. 
Romaine, M., Jr. 
Rompel, Walter 
Rooney, J. R. 
Rorison, H. C. 
Rorison, J. L. C. 
Rouse, R. H. 
Ruffin, E. S. 
Rumble, G. M. 
Russell, J. V. 
Rust, Bryan 
Ryland, R. K. 
Ryon, J. S. 
Sabine, P. F. 
Sandidge, W. L., Jr. 
Sandridge, J. D. 
Sargent, H. E. 
Saunders, E. W., Jr. 
Saunders, G. E. 
Saunders, Sam'l, Jr. 
Saunders, W. R., Jr. 
Savage, C. E., Jr. 
Savage, M. B. 
Schaefer, J. J. 
Scott, R. D. 
Scott, S. B. 
Scott, W. S. 
Scully, Robt. 
Seaman, S. P. 
Setzler, G. B. 
Shackelford, S. F. 
Shaffer, C. W. 
Sharp, T. H. 
Sheild, C. H., Jr. 
Shelton, C. J. 
Shepherd, J. E., Jr. 
Sheppe, W. M. 
Siegel, W. I. 
Simpson, G. W., Jr. 
Sims, W. B., Jr. 
Sinclair, C. E. 
Slaughter, M. L. 
Smith, B. C. 
Smith, D. C. 
Smith, E. N. 
Smith, E. W. 
Smith, G. A. 
Smith, J. S., Jr. 
Smith, Lorin 
Smith, L. F. 
Smith, M. K. 
Smith, R. B. 
Smith, W. D., Jr. 
Smith, W. K. 
Smythe, A. M. 
Snavely, T. R. 
Spandorfer, R. 
Spann, T. B. 
Sparr, H. A. 
Speer, T. T. 
Sprinkle, R. L. 
Stanard, H. C. 
Stanley, R. 
Steele, H. F. 
Steger, C. T. 
Stephens, R. G. 
Sterne, W. P. 
Stevens, D. G. 
Stevens, K. M. 
Steward, J. A. 
Stickley, W. E. 
Stillwell, R. N. 
Stone, J. B., Jr. 
Stoner, K. B., Jr. 
Strange, W. W. 
Stratton, L. L. 
Strickling, C. W. 
Stringfellow, J. L. 
Stuart, C. J. 


Page 308
Stuart, J. A. 
Stuart, W. A. 
Stude, M. S. 
Stumpe, O. A. 
Sweitzer, F. W. 
Swepston, J. E. 
Swineford, Oscar, Jr. 
Sydnor, G. M., Jr. 
Taliaferro, F. N. 
Taliaferro, W. H. 
Taliaferro, W. M. 
Tankard, E. B. 
Tatum, C. R. 
Taylor, B. C. 
Taylor, D. C. 
Taylor, H. M. 
Tennis, W. J. H. 
Terry, P. L. 
Tessman, A. M. 
Testerman, B. H. 
Thayer, G. T., Jr. 
Thomas, D., Jr. 
Thomas, H. 
Thomas, J. D. 
Thompson, D. H.  l & c 
Thompson, H. C. 
Thoms, J. C. 
Thornhill, G. F., Jr. 
Thornton, A. 
Thornton, H. R. 
Tilghman, G. O. 
Tindall, F. M. 
Tippett, R. E. 
Todd, A. J. 
Todd, G. F. 
Todd, T. H. 
Tomlinson, G. W. 
Trautmann, H. 
Trimble, H. E. 
Trimble, S. W. 
Triplett, F. H. 
Trolinger, W. P. 
Trummell, M. F. 
Tucker, E. N. 
Tull, M. G. 
Tunstall, C. 
Turner, W. H., Jr. 
Upshur, R. .L. 
Vallett, B. S. 
Vance, W. K., Jr. 
VanHorne, H. R. 
Vest, G. B. 
Via, E. H. 
Waddell, W. W., Jr. 
Walker, E. V. 
Walker, G. T. 
Walker, J. S., Jr. 
Walker, K. P. 
Walker, M. E. 
Walker, R. A. 
Waller, J. F. 
Waller, M. P. 
Walton, M. L., Jr. 
Walton, S. L. 
Wampler, G. K. 
Ward, J. C. 
Wardlaw, J. F. 
Waring, P. A., Jr. 
Warren, B. 
Warren, M. 
Warren, W. R. 
Warwick, L. H. 
Waterfield, R. H. 
Waters, W. P. 
Wayt, J. A. 
Webster, G. H. 
Webster, M. L. 
Wellford, B. R., Jr. 
Wellons, B. F. 
Welsh, C. P. 
West, L. B. 
Whealton, C. W. 
White, J. H. 
White, J. L. 
White, L. T. 
White, R. E. 
White, S. F., Jr. 
White, W. M., Jr. 
Whitlock, S. B. 
Whitmore, W. H. 


Page 309
Wiggins, R. L., Jr. 
Wilkins, J. A. 
Willcox, C. 
Willcox, E. R. 
Williams, C. C. 
Williams, C. D. 
Williams, E. S. 
Williams, G. H. 
Williams, J. L. 
Williams, L. D. 
Williams, W. A., Jr. 
Williams, W. L. 
Williamson, L. H. 
Willis, B. D. 
Willis, R. L. 
Wilson, E. M. 
Wilson, G. A. 
Wilson, J. G., Jr. 
Wilson, T. L. 
Wise, A. S. 
Withers, A. D. 
Witt, G. B. 
Witten, A. J. 
Womack, E. 
Wood, J. E., Jr. 
Wood, Robt. E. 
Woods, A. P. 
Woodward, F. D. 
Woodward, J. C. 
Woodward, M. R. 
Wool, D. T. 
Woolley, C. B. 
Word, W. E., Jr. 
Wranek, W. H., Jr. 
Wright, A. W. 
Wright, C. C. 
Wright, S. G. 
Wyatt, W., Jr. 
Wyatt, W. P. 
Wysor, F. L. 
Yates, H. 
Young, A. L.  e & c 
Young, R. R. 
Zirkle, W. M. 

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