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Sec. 325. Defective roofs and chimneys.

Whenever the Mayor shall receive information that the chimneys
or flues of any house are so constructed or that the roof of
any house is so much decayed as to cause danger from fire, he
shall notify the Fire Committee to have said house examined by
the Chief of the Fire Department, and to report to him the result
of such examination. If, from the report of the Fire Committee,
the Mayor shall deem it necessary for the public safety, he shall
give the owner or occupant of any such house notice to make such
repairs or alterations as may be requisite to remove the cause of
danger within not exceeding 60 days after the service of such
notice, under a penalty of $5 for every day there shall be
failure to make such repairs or alterations after the expiration
of the time specified in said notice.