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Earinus, thou faithfullest of servants!—
Oh, heav'n and earth! the soul of man is villany!—
Fly, with the utmost speed of fear, and tell them—
Art thou not gone?

Whither, my lord? to whom?
Tell what?

I crave thy mercy, my Earinus;
Impatience stops itself with its own hurry.
Fly to Philippus and Epicrates,
Tell them, my guests are vipers, adders, scorpions,
That mean to sting to death my daughter's honour,
Erato's and Euphemia's—Nay, come back;
Why dost thou run away with half thy errand?
Tell them—Ye Gods instruct me how to act!
Tell them, to arm themselves and servants privily:
See that my own are ready—Stay, command them,
As they respect and love me, not to strike
Till avow'd violence demand resistance.—
Once more come back—Tell them, they hurt not Sestius.
What he disclos'd, thanks to his wine, shall save him.
Away. [Exit Earinus.]
I've liv'd to blush at my own species!