University of Virginia Library


Health and peace,
And happiness to fair Elizabeth!
Thou art no stranger to the joyful news;
The lustre of those speaking eyes declares it.

Suffolk, ev'n now, hath bless'd me with the tidings.

O! 'tis amazement all: Elizabeth,
When last we met, thou wert the suppliant, now
'Tis I must ask forgiveness, I who injur'd
The dearest, best of men; O! thou hast sav'd
Edward from shame, and England from destruction.

Did I not say my Warwick wou'd be just?


Thou did'st, and on those beauteous lips fair truth
And soft persuasion dwell; long time he stood
Inflexible, and deaf to friendship's voice,
Listen'd to nought but all subduing love.
In after-times, thy name shall be enroll'd
Amongst the great deliv'rer's of their country.

I have no title to the lavish praise
Thy gen'rous heart bestows; I only said
What duty prompted, and what love inspir'd;
Indulgent heav'n has crown'd it with success.

Thou hast done all: I am indebted to thee
For more, much more than I can e'er repay.
Long time, with shame, I own, hath Warwick soar'd
Above me, but I will not be outdone
For ever by this proud aspiring rival:
Poor as I am, there yet is one way left
To pay the debt of gratitude I owe him,
One great reward for such exalted virtues,
Thyself, Elizabeth.

What means my lord,
My royal master?

Yes; when next we meet
I will bestow it on him, will resign
All my fond claim to happiness and thee;
Tho' thy dear image ne'er can be effac'd
From Edward's breast, tho' still I doat upon thee,
Tho' I could hang for ever on thy beauties;
Yet will I yield them to their rightful lord;
Warwick has earn'd, Warwick alone deserves them.


Wou'd he were here to thank thee for thy goodness!
Know, gen'rous prince, Elizabeth has long
Admir'd thy virtues, and cou'd love admit
Of a divided heart, the noble Edward
Wou'd share it with his friend.