University of Virginia Library

Scena 3a.

Lady. Lycomedon. Cleander Dorimant.

May it please your Majestie The Late Queene yo
r sister, in this her Weakenesse with one Lady onely, and
her Vnfortunate Babe is Pri«**»tly in Disguise stole away
this last Night, and fledd. This Letter Directed
to the Lords I trust will more fully satisfy your

Lay not this Injurie to my Charge, you Gods
For I am innocent. For heauen's sake sirs
Goe fetch this poore Distressed Creature Back,
For shee Was once a Queene. Shee is my Sister
How e're shee sinn'd.
Cleander reades the Letter.
My Lords!
I am soe Equally plac't betwixt Pitty, and Shame,


that I hope I shall not draw much from either;
But if it be Lawfull for mee to use the sacred
Name of the Deityes, I call 'em all to Wittnesse
I was neuer Acquainted with the Carnall Act of
man howsoeuer they haue Delt with mee; Which
yet was noe Warrant for you to Depose mee. But
I haue Tyme enough to greiue without Calling my
Injuries to Mind yet. The Gods forgiue them of
whom I haue not Deserued thus much. My Kingdome
I Leaue to my Brother, (if hee bee soe) My Shame
I take along with mee; And Ariste, who of soe
many Thousands hath remayned Loyall to her most
unfortunate Mistresse.

The Neglected Achæa.

How? That agen! Neuer Knew Man! you Gods
You haue new Borne mee to a Land of Woe,
And Swathe mee now in Wonders. Neuer Knew Man!
My Lords it Cannot be

I thinke soe Sr.

Perhapps the Deity of a holy streame—
Or Bacchus, as hee Once Deceiu'd Erigone
Might doe this to her. Good my Lords Employ
Your Diligent Enquirie; I doe feare
Wee Wrong the Gods in this.

I goe my Lord.

Did euer Woman take this Oath before?
Tis Past beleife—My Sweetest Sister;, Welcome.
What in a fflood? O doe not bring my Ioy
Thus Drest in Teares. Thy Eyes are Rich enough
Without these Pearles. Why Weepst thou? I haue greiu'd
Enough for our unhappy sisters' ffault;
Let not those Enuious Dropps barre mee thy Sight
For I'm thy Brother.