University of Virginia Library




March wakened in wildness
Or musing in glee
Thy tempest or sunshine
Is welcome to me
I found on thy bosom
A treasure of spring
A fairer & dearer
Than summer could bring
Ere the throstle had ventured
A song to the morn
Or the blackbird to build him
A nest in the thorn
On the wild hills of walkerd
All withered & bare
Had Eden existed
I had thought it was there
Hope long had been blighted
Love lingered in chains
Faith long had been plighted
To scorn & disdains
The road it was weary
That led me along
With no thought to cheer me
But the sorrows of song
I looked to the east twas
A sunrise in shrouds
I looked to the west there
Was nothing but clouds
In aching & sorrow
Hope lost her employ
She had grief for the morrow
But no day for joy
Here a sun burst a cloud where
I looked for a shower
Here a spot that seemed desert
Discovered a flower
Endowed in youths glory


Both blossom & stem
Was the model of beauty
& I worshiped the gem
For my heart it was neuter
To form & disguise
Nor like a freebooter
I looked on the prize
But with heart that felt friendless
& wanted a friend
On a way that seemed endless
& now met an end
I loved it & proved it
& down to this hour
I neer saw the beauty
I found in that flower
Summer lived in its blossom
Though winter was bye
Joy laughed in its bosom
Though sorrow was nigh
A pallace without it
A prison would be
& the cottage that owned it
Was a pallace to me
My heart it was weary
I sued as a guest
Love was all that could cheer me
& there I had rest
Twas the hope most bewitching
That beauty inspired
Twas the joy most enriching
That fancy admired
Twas the bloom of lifes fancys
To garland my brow
& though sick of romances
Tis my bosoms home now